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Terminator 3 (Possible Spoilers)

12:53 / 01.07.03
I saw a preview screening of T3: Rise of the Machines last night, and I have to say, it's pretty good!! I'd give it a strong 7 out of 10. Lots of action, explosions, but also a good plot and some fun bits like the combination of wit and mayhem we've come to expect from the Terminator movies.

The guy who plays the grown-up John Connor is very good except for one specific moment where his acting slips (and it was at this moment and for this reason that the audience laughed at him, very loud, at my screening). He doesn't look a bit like Edward Furlong, the kid playing John Connor in T2, but ah well. Clare Danes is just fine, looking cute but a little bony/thin, and yes, she does shoot a submachine gun with gusto. It's kinda cool to see an actor's actress like Danes in a shoot-em-up sci-fi bonanza like this. She traces her character's journey from thinking John C. and Arnie are just nutjobs to slowly coming to accept what they really are very nicely. Clare Danes' character's father plays a pivotal role.

How's the female Terminator, otherwise known as the Terminatrix? (ba-DUM bum! But they seriously refer to her as that, albeit once, in the movie) Very good and very hot. Although she kinda has a babyface, being the ripe old age of 19. She does the whole 'force of nature relentless unstoppable killing machine' just like John Patrick did in T2, although maybe she's a bit less scary than he was cause she looks like a supermodel. You do see her naked ass and a bit of breast action for a split-second when she first shows up. They come up with a cool new ability for this newest version of the Terminator, and it makes for a great chase/blow shit up in serious volume scene that rivals and is pretty much just as much fun as the famous chase scene in T2. I was watching this and just kept thinking "Ohhh my God, this is NOT CGI, none of this, they really blew all this shit up THE OLD FASHIONED WAY!!!!" And man, do they blow a lot of shit up!!! Something like 27 cars get completely demolished.

Arnie is Arnie....25% of his line delivery kinda sucks and is laughable but I guess you can buy it cause he's a robot. But for the most part he's the same old Arnie-as-Terminator we know and love. Some reviewers on Aint-It-Cool-News have said he looks old, but I didn't think he looked notably long in the tooth.

The plot is classic Terminator, all about trying to prevent Judgment Day/nuclear war triggered by the machines & SkyNet, with all the appropriate references to the events of the previous movies (and more than a few references to John's mom Sarah Connor). Some nice time travel convoluted logic here, and I mean that in a good way. The ending is very cool, I thought - intelligent and dark, with a nice twist that seems totally appropriate for all the characters. The music nicely accentuates the movie's suspense and ominous tone. In this day and age, the sequences where John C. has nightmares of nuclear war destorying the world are more than a little scary and carry a lot more edge and terror than we used to feel when we saw such images.

Even though James Cameron wasn't involved in this (interestingly enough, the producers have formed a new company called C2, which has a logo almost the same as Cameron's old company CarolCo, which makes me wonder if the remaining people in CarolCo are keeping CarolCo going or if they just formed a new company with almost the same name and logo for legal purposes).

I really thought this was a pretty well-made movie -- only a few cheesy moments where the audience collectively groaned. The editing in particular, if you pay attention to that sort of stuff, was really very good, ESPECIALLY in the seriously high octane, furious (and I do mean furious) action/chase sequences. I remember thinking "Man, this really makes me feel the speed and impact of all this shit colliding and blowing up" (seriously) - something I don't often think during an action scene in any movie. I found myself wincing a lot each time stuff impacted/collided/blew up as if I was watching a real car accident. But still smiling broadly through it all.

The audience seemed to have a good time overall. And hell, I saw it for free and really enjoyed it, but I think I wouldn't feel like I wasted $10 seeing it. In fact, I think it's definitely worth your $10. (Fuck, I still can't believe movies in the theaters are $10!!!!)
13:39 / 01.07.03
(camera pans from the large, cheshire critic to the skinny bald one)

Well, Roger, I admire your enthusiasm, but I thought this was a stinking pile of shit.

There is no reason for this film to exist, and it knows it. The best Jonathan Mostow can muster is a poor remake of T2, which wasn't a great film to begin with. The only good things to say are that Arnie isn't a milksop in this one and that the film actually does what it says on the label, re: the subtitle.

But explosions and car chases? I felt like I had never left The Martix Reloaded, and that's not good. There's no character and every interesting moment is glossed over. There's just no time for that if they want to survive, though why I want them to survive is beyond me.

Claire Danes provides a glimmer of hope - she's not a total waste - but the script doesn't know what to do with a strong female, even with it's predecessor to draw on. She spends a third of the film literally locked in a fucking box! What is that? And don't give me any crap about the Terminatrix (groan) as strong female - she's a robot with tits. And all she does is repeat what the liquid guy in T2 did.

Every chance this film has to do something interesting with story, it blows. A generic 'virus'? Whatever. The setup is good, and our technology now makes the original premise more viable than 20 years ago, but T3 glides right by the story in favor of explosions.

Granted, it is The Terminator, but give people something interesting for their $10, instead of half-baked stand-ins for every element from the last movie. It's not entertaining, and in fact it's downright pathetic. I was as relentlessly bored as Arnie looked. This is an abject failure. Thumbs down.

This is Gene Siskel, and I'm dead.
14:54 / 01.07.03
It's all robot porn. Mmmmm.. robots with tits.....
03:00 / 03.07.03
In direct opposition to Videodrome - I had an astonishingly great time this afternoon with T3, and I'd go so far as to say that it's the most entertaining of the series. Some truly exhilarating action sequences - almost entirely using what appeared to be REAL people and REAL props, fuck you very much Matrix Reloaded - and it's the first film in ages that had me completely unable to predict what would happen next.

It's a perfect summer film, as far as I'm concerned - it ain't Shakespeare but it's very exciting and entertaining. Thumbs very far up.
03:21 / 03.07.03
While watching this, I wondered to myself if I was being willfully negative, since other people seemed to be digging it to varying degrees. I even laughed at Arnie's 'talk to the hand', but so much of the film left me anything but exhilarated, that I can't conclude that I'd simply decided not to like it. And I will agree that I was happy to see a general lack of digital-ness, which must explain the $170 million spent.

But I was never actually entertained, and I've already forgotten it.
Tryphena Absent
01:16 / 12.04.04
I thought this was a marvellous conclusion to the series and I adored the ending and I've spent half an hour trying to work out timelines- any chance we could make this a spoilt thread as there isn't one and it seems a waste to start another?
21:31 / 13.04.04
I found it pretty flat. Arnold had some good lines here and there, Calire Danes was pretty good, but I just couldn't take the Terminatrix seriously. She just wasn't anywhere as intimidating as T1000 and no real improvement on that design. Aside from having weaponry (whcih the T1000 lacked) she seemed to be a step back in that she was more easily damaged than T1000. Plus she had no personality. T1000 was sinister and unrelenting, watching her was like watching (an admittedly fetching) a toaster. The end was about the only thing remotely interesting about the movie. Then there's how the messed up John Conner's age (unless you figure the last movie shifted the timeline somewhat). Entertaining but wouldn't see it again, unless I got bored and it were easy to get on kazaa.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:01 / 06.06.04
Watched the DVD and thought it was crap. At points it managed to raise it's game to Laughably Bad, but most of the time it was happy to paddle in the shallow end of Bad with all the Special Children. This film just doesn't organise itself to make any sense. T2 sort of offered a reason for everything up to the start of the film, for Skynet to survive it needed to send the original Terminator back and for it to fail, but after that it makes no sense. Why not send the TX back to help the T1000 (Robert Patrick or whatever the poor schmucks name was) kill John Connor? Why not send it back to a day after the T1000 failed it's mission, when arguably the Connors would be in no shape to fight it? In the future, why send an 'obselete' T800 to kill John Connor? How did Skynet persuade Connor that the T800 was 'friendly' long enough to let it get close and kill him, and how did the Resistance subdue the T800 without damaging it at all, in order to reporgram it and send it back in time? Why not get a T1000 or TX to mimic a T800? And the film cheats on several occasions by being unsure exactly how much like a T1000 the TX is when it comes to morphing, when she hits the truck, her handy plasma gun arm is somehow disabled, yet she can still morph it into other weapons. And then, at the end, her legs have become stuck so she has to rip them off, apparently she's not liquid metal any more.

You can tell the script-writers resent having to make space in their volleys of explosions for explanatory dialogue, at no point is it explained why the future is still going to happen, despite the events of T2. You can fanwank it that this is now a different future, but it's as though everyone involved forgot that little matter of blowing up the factory in T2, now Skynet has nothing to do with Cyberdyne Systems, it's now a defense program created by the military.

The one good thing about this pile of crap is when John Connor meets the Terminator and is told that this is a different model from the one in T2 (despite seeing that one burn up and all) saying "Damn, now I'm going to have to teach you all that stuff again!"
Tom Tit's Tot: A Girl!
14:26 / 06.06.04
The best Jonathan Mostow can muster is a poor remake of T2, which wasn't a great film to begin with.

Why are you allowed to live?

T2 was brilliant. T3 was generally a steaming pile, with a few entertaining moments.

Wasn't a great film to begin with.... Jesus Fucking Christ next you'll be telling us that you didn't think that Labrynth was entertaining at all.... Sheesh.

Lord Morgue
13:10 / 07.06.04
She wasn't all liquid metal, she was a hybrid T-800/T-1000 design, with the liquid metal replacing the cloned flesh on a duralloy battle chassis. You could see the skeleton underneath when she got caught in the particle accelerator's magnetic field, and a couple other times when she was damaged. If you follow non-canon sources, Skynet actually feared the T-1000, and only used it as a last resort. The hybrid T-X dedicated Anti-Terminator was probably a less volatile compromise.
And the captured T-800's were probably knocked out by something like the fazer rifle from Matt Wagner's "Terminator: One Shot", an E.M.P. rifle that stuns a Terminator.
Sing it with me! "Mimetic poly-alloy".
Lord Morgue
13:16 / 07.06.04
And the built-in weaponry probably counts for a lot more V.S. the T-1000 in the future, where everyone is using plasma weapons capable of diabling a T-800. We don't know how well the T-1000 would have stood up to a good pasting from a "Phased plasma assault wifle in der 40-vatt wange."- it might have just boiled away, like in the steel vat.
wicker woman
03:35 / 13.06.04
As a small add-on, I thought it was fairly ballsy of them to do the 'bad guys win' ending in what was a summer popcorn flick. I was honestly expecting them to stop Skynet yet again, until some Silicon Valley hermit discovers a broken fraction of microchip from the Terminatrix and starts the whole ball rolling again in T4...
11:37 / 13.06.04
PLEA ONE: Films should wait more than about ten earth seconds between showing the heroine that her fiancee is dead (in a spectacular and gruesome way), and having her reminiscing over teen snogs with Connor in the back of a van. Dead, dude! It made her look like a callous plot function.

PLEA TWO: As the Terminatrix looses drops and fragments of liquid metal in the various confrontations, she should get smaller and smaller until the gang are being chased by an adorable furious two-foot terminatelet; still in proportion, but preferably with a tiny affronted squeaky voice.
Lord Morgue
12:38 / 13.06.04
Aw, Chibi-TX! Kawaiiii!
Actually, losing blobs and globs of quicksilver would probably just thin her out over her endoframe- like, from Ginger Spice to Twiggy to Paris Hilton to Posh Spice to Portia DeRossi...
Well, as Derek Zoolander says, "Models often starve themselves, and that's good, because then they look all cool and skinny. But sometimes they starve themselves TOO much, and then they get all... skelety."
14:26 / 13.06.04
No, I want tiny terminator.

"She cannot be reasoned with. She cannot be argued with. She is going to come after you, she is going to scramble and scamper and clamber over kerbs until she finds you and then she is going to *kill* you."

It's the ter-mini-hater!
Lord Morgue
17:00 / 13.06.04
I thought the T-1 was kind of cute...
Skynet just wanted a hug.
Lord Morgue
17:05 / 13.06.04
I can imagine Terminat-chibi hiding in your locker, then sproing! Teh huggles of death! Flailing her little BBQ lighter/Pizza cutter arm around, being all deadly and adorable...
wicker woman
01:34 / 14.06.04
I hereby declare chibi-T-X coolest idea ever.
23:50 / 15.06.04
Why not send the TX back to help the T1000 (Robert Patrick or whatever the poor schmucks name was) kill John Connor? Why not send it back to a day after the T1000 failed it's mission, when arguably the Connors would be in no shape to fight it? In the future, why send an 'obselete' T800 to kill John Connor? How did Skynet persuade Connor that the T800 was 'friendly' long enough to let it get close and kill him, and how did the Resistance subdue the T800 without damaging it at all, in order to reporgram it and send it back in time? Why not get a T1000 or TX to mimic a T800?

All these questions (and more!) will be addressed in my forthcoming T4 screenplay. Watch for it.
05:29 / 16.06.04
Please be joking.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
20:43 / 16.06.04
Please include midgits.
09:34 / 17.06.04
Haus - made you look. Also, your shoelace is untied.

Our Lady - I'd been joking about actually writing it into a screenplay, as I didn't think it would really succeed as a film, but now that you mention it, I think midgets might be the thing that could pull it all together.
Brigade du jour
03:37 / 11.07.04
Note to self - way to avoid being mocked on Barbelith ... write Fantastic Four screenplay instead.

Yeah, T3 was a bunch of rehashes and gimmicks. Fire truck chase was cool though. The only thing it added to the franchise was the downer ending. Which suited me watching it on the hottest day of the year in a cinema with broken air conditioning.
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