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What's in a name?


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12:12 / 01.07.03
Real cloak and dagger stuff! I like it!
You should all agree to wear red carnations.
12:17 / 01.07.03
hang on a minute! "ass-candled"!?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
12:20 / 01.07.03
The first ever Barbelith meet (well, Nexus meet) at (I think) the Liquid Lounge was hysterical. Tom and I turned up and realised we had no way of knowing who was there for us and who was just a random punter looking for, um, random punting. After half an hour of sidling up to people who looked as if they might be One Of Us and asking them 'Are you on the Nexus?' or 'Are you One Of Us?' and getting hilarious answers, we identified Sleaze because he looks like Spider Jerusalem...

Always get one mobile number and a couple of photos of obvious Barbelites. Otherwise you end up masked and asscandled in the wrong room, which is annoying.
12:22 / 01.07.03
ok what the hell does ass-candled mean?
Just tried looking it up on google and the sites it offered have scared me off any Barbelith meetings forever!
Whisky Priestess
12:28 / 01.07.03
Better than being Cass-'andled, trust us...
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:32 / 01.07.03
Sorry, I meant to write assayed. And, um, so did Nick. Weird coincidental spelling mistake.
Mourne Kransky
12:33 / 01.07.03
Hohoho. The truth is sadly very dull.

Should Tom Coates appear, he wears his diamanté tiara. Mods brandish their shiny helmets and we plebeians wear big cardboard badges with our names written in felt tip (unless you're a goth when it's usual to write it in somebody else's blood).

Such as Kegboy, Stoatie and Bizunth would require badges one foot square of course. Haus and Rizla just stand in front of placards. The Bear is kept on a long chain, under sedation, and thus requires no badge. Potus requires no badge either because he's always buying in drinks and carries five cameras, minimum, and tripod.

Then (the organised) Anna de Logardiere goes round with a clipboard, making sure we follow the standard speed-dating schema of three minutes' chat about Chomsky with a goatee-bearded youth then move on to a redhead for three minutes of Buffy.

Once the arguments about Lord Flowers' new shade of nail varnish become over-heated due to excess of filthbeer, Kit-Cat Club takes out her Chalet Schoolmarm whistle and blows hard, at which point we decamp to the nearest gay bar gay bar gay bar for more ineffectual drunken flirting. Ganesh & Bengali will do Morrisssey dancing.

Xoc will have gone home by 10 for a cup of tea and a good read.
12:35 / 01.07.03
I can't wait!
When's the next one?
12:36 / 01.07.03
I can't wait!
When's the next one?
12:38 / 01.07.03
hmmmmmmm, I seem to have developed some kind of posting stutter!
Eloi Tsabaoth
12:39 / 01.07.03
Your house, the weekend after next!
12:44 / 01.07.03
so it is!
How's that groove going Bizunth?
16:18 / 01.07.03
This thread was actually inspired by a message from GoDOne saying that he(/she?) nearly chose the name Spider Monkey just before I joined.

I generally use the name Boobunny myself (another nickname, this time from my husband, what is it about me and nicknames, people are always giving me them!) but fancied a change.
pointless and uncalled for
18:20 / 01.07.03
After school I was made apprentice teaboy to god. I served under the current teaboy for three years when it became blindlingly obvious that I would never develop the capacity to make divine tea.

I moved on to the interplanetary Aires Rock commision which was set up by the UN Council for Pan-Xeno Political Affairs. We were given the hearty task of creating an Aires Rock on as many planets as were commercially viable to the Indolent Toads of Martin Bashir. We managed to accomplish fifteen, including Rigel 5 before funding was cut in favour of providing free hotdogs to the Luxumbourg Privy Council (Now the Luxembourg Privy Consul.

At this time I was inspired to go into my own business and made my fortune by selling Sock Puppets to Japanese visitors to Germany. After this venture bottomed out I moved into the international arms trade and sold water pistols to the Swiss Liberation Front. This venture was less successful when some leaked the fact that Switzerland was already an independant country just before the deal went down.

I now generate proxy capital under the guise of a genius. I bet you can't guess which one.
The Return Of Rothkoid
23:50 / 01.07.03
Matthew Fluxington
03:49 / 02.07.03
Believe it or not, I got my screen name from the title of a Silverchair b-side.
05:34 / 02.07.03
*cough* i'm rad... and um... my nickname is jose... slap 'em together
Cloned Christ on a HoverDonkey
01:08 / 07.07.03
I'm named after a future drug, which features heavily in Boxy an Star, a book by Daren King.

I thoroughly recommend you check the book out if you can find it anywhere. It's full of Brit references, so may be a bit befuddling to non-Brits.
08:27 / 07.07.03
i had another name which i thought was a bit too dignified to use round here so i deliberately made the present one as stupid as possible, directly inspired by my trying to find another message-board which would be as interesting to me but where the main fixtures weren't such narky twats. sadly, having had a bit of a spin round the web i discovered no other board where the comics chat was as informed or tailored to my tastes as here. so a new name, that hopefully parodies the counter-cultural moron types you find on other message boards, and as a tribute to the unequalled cuteness of my lush new kitten named logan. you'll notice the people with the REALLY fucking rubbish names haven't contributed to this thread as yet.

yawn, send's a link to the dot's site, alright?
09:27 / 07.07.03
I'm not very creative.
It's the name of a king in mythology.
He tried to trick the gods into eating human flesh and got turned into a wolf.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:35 / 07.07.03
Flyboy: a boy who is (or can) fly.

Current variant: I just really want to thank you.
17:53 / 07.07.03
Stolen direct from a Neal Stephenson novel. Lazy I know, but that's me. Also I've never found it used elsewhere when making up sign-on identities online. Plus it's got an X in it, like all cool names.
Mourne Kransky
17:56 / 07.07.03
Indeed they do.
Mr Messy
18:03 / 07.07.03

feed me feed me baby
tell me its ok.
elthe deuro
18:31 / 07.07.03
'elthe deuro' is Ancient Greek for 'Come here.'

Once upon a time, I wanted an e-mail address that was gender-neutral, and being a slightly nerdy Classics minor... well, you get the picture.
Char Aina
18:44 / 07.07.03
taste me, you'll find out.
have a lick, go on.
Axel Lambert
22:24 / 07.07.03
In this movie version of Swedish crime novel The laughing policeman, the setting is moved from Stockholm to San Fransisco, and main character Martin Beck is called Jake Martin. My first name is Anders.

15:27 / 08.07.03
My name is entitything because I am a 24th-dimensional hyperbeing disguised as a cabbage disguised as a human whose real name is unpronounceable in your dimensionality, little say to your human tongue, and anyway when I was a baby 24th-dimensional hyperbeing my progenitor used to call me "snuggly-wuggleums little entitything". Or anyways that's the closest approximation in English. It actually sounded more like the following, all said at the same time:


But that's doing the best I can with very limited means, and even still leaving out the tonality. 24th-dimensional hyperbeing is a tonal language. We have four hundred and twenty three and a half tones, plue seven that are used only for gutteral consonants.

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