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Communism and capitalism

18:21 / 05.11.01
Here's my opinion.

Communism - the government controls corporations (more accuratly, the government controls bussinesses)

Capitalism - corporations (more accuratly bussinesses control the government)

Both of these systems fail when what you'd call violent psychotics and/or criminals and/or idiots get into power...

Thing is, recently I was awakened to the fact that I'm thinking about government the wrong way. I used to think which economic system will work without screwing us over. i never asked "WHat is the nature of money?". This is important. The nature of money (what it is and how it is implemented) affects the effectiveness of the economic system. The economic system dictates the governmental system.

In Schroedinger's Cat Trilogy Robert Anton Wilson details other people's thought on affecting the nature of money to prevent the hoarding of power.

These are just some of the thoughts running through my head.
22:01 / 05.11.01
The feedback given to a corporation is strictly monetary. That the entity of the corporation has one sense, and that sense is the bottom line. In some ways, the president of the corporation has to obey the command of the corporation in order to compete.

This effect on the government, however, is somewhat different. The government does have the sense that detects money, but they also have other senses that detect public opinion, political climates, and general moral principles.

Despite the strong pressures from businesses to governments, the supreme power still lies in the field of the government.

As a very general and loose principle, one may say that the businesses control the government, but since there are other pressures on the government, it isn't a hard fast principle.

Communism, however, does speak of having state controlled business. For a time. But eventually, the state is supposed to disappear in a communist state, and the workers are supposed to control the businesses.

The nature of Money: Money is a bookkeeping technique based on artificial, localized conservation principles. It quantifies potential for acquisition of particular objects called goods and services.
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