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17:34 / 27.06.03
This is meant as a counterpart to the untamed hate and anger thread, for stuff that gives you a severe case of the icks...or just disturbs the hell out of you.

My current un-favourites (slash-themed, unsurprisingly. Fandom is a veritable cornu-fucking-copia of horrors):

People referring to JK Rowling as a 'goddess' - nooooo!
Fans referring to Daniel Radcliffe (i.e. avatar of Harry Potter) as 'Dan' - over-familiarity is sooo fucking disturbing.
MPreg. *shudder*
Bad bad bad fan art. Sooo much worse than execrable fanfic because it gets stuck in your head in all its horrible garish felt-pen glory. Also, well-drawn but really, really unfortunate fan art - I still haven't recovered from the over-muscled Frodo pic I saw recently. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about...
Eloi Tsabaoth
17:46 / 27.06.03
Anything related to leering at celebrity lives. Tabloid headlines, Heat magazine, 95% of Sky One and ITV programming... uck.
19:31 / 27.06.03
Spider babies. They're *quite* cute, but they do give you a bit of a surprise. A few weeks ago I was hanging washing on the line, saw a spider web halfway down with what I thought was tree fluff, seeds or something in it (out of the corner of my eye!) - brushed it away and the fluff turned out to be hundreds of spider babies!!!! They ran up my arms and everything and I was a bit taken aback LOL
19:39 / 27.06.03
The term "spider baby". Or "baby spider", really. Something about the idea of the butter-smellingness, huggableness of a baby clashing against the uuugh uugh uugh fuck ickness of a spider...
Mourne Kransky
19:47 / 27.06.03
Adults using the word Pooh and not to children. Pooh? Crap, it's shit. You can't polish a turd by euphemising it. Hundreds of other words that are, all of them, better. Apart from DooDoo which is even worse. Grow up, for crying out loud.
Jack Fear
19:50 / 27.06.03
20:37 / 27.06.03
My boss's incessant peppering of everyday speech with baby talk:

Him: "Can you get me some wawa?"
Me: "I thought we'd agreed that you were never going to say that in my presence again."
Him: "What?"
Me: "Just give me the damned cup."

It's just creepy.
20:49 / 27.06.03
the butter-smellingness, huggableness of a baby

Now you're just being greedy there. You can't hug a buttery baby. It pops out of your arms. Hug then butter, if you must, though I advise one or the other since it's not good to be intimate with your food.
21:13 / 27.06.03
french-manicured toes. those teeny too-white toe tips, eegh.
The Return Of Rothkoid
21:35 / 27.06.03
The "wet-look" perm. It looks like you're staple-gunned greasy straw to your head, Worzel.
23:39 / 27.06.03
I really did say eeeewww today, I hope I didn't hurt my friend's feelings: he said he had to visit the dentist next week for some maintenance to his teeth. Fair enough I thought. Then we discussed a party he's going to soon, and he said he was going to put his "best teeth" in. He went on to say that I only ever saw him with his "work teeth" and that the best ones lived on top of his bathroom cabinet. Oh, oh, oh...I never even knew they were false! So if false teeth are squeamish enough on their own I figure having work teeth and party teeth has got to be pretty gross
23:48 / 27.06.03
Mazarine, baby talk in adult males is truly disgusting. I can't believe your boss thinks he can get away with it at work. That he thinks it's fucking okay.

8===>Q: alyn
00:12 / 28.06.03
Yeah, you'd never catch, say, Patrick Stewart doing that.

I'm more than a little creeped out every time I leave my house and am confronted with a parade of perfect, high, round asses... all belonging to thirteen year old girls. I can't help looking. My glands notice before my brain does. And it's even worse now that it's summer and I live across the street from a park.
08:31 / 28.06.03
Er, not sure about Patrick Stewart. Is he a paragon of manly virtue?

Hair lice: I was once sitting next to someone in a car, when I noticed one scuttle aross his neck.

Jesus icking christ. Skin crawling moment.
Spatula Clarke
13:00 / 28.06.03
Someone should bingbang him on his bonkbonk.
20:42 / 28.06.03
Xoc- I hate to admit this, but I say "pooh" all the time. And "wee". However, I think I fill my speech with enough actual swearing to counteract it.

For some reason, the company name "Bunzl" always disturbs me when I see it in papers, on the side of vans, wherever. I don't know why. It's just a very, very ugly word, but I have no idea why I actually find it upsetting. It has actually been known to ruin my mood when I've seen one of their vans go past, and for such mood-ruinedness to continue for the rest of the day.
21:02 / 28.06.03
I have to be with stoat on the "poo" issue (thought very important to spell it without the h, lest it be a small yellow bear). But "kack" is creeping up on me,to become my most commonly used word.

This makes me go "eugh."

My school crest. Id like to make it into a huge flag. And then burn it. Waaaiiit.. i think this is turning into more of a hate and anger post. Its both. The whole thing disgusts me, as well as enrages me. Still thinking i go there, they sent me an order form for the new school uniform; and i remembered why i took such glee in leaving.
The Tower Always Falls
21:50 / 28.06.03
For a jesus icking Christ moment?

How about a neck beard with still visible acne and acne scars poking beneath the mangy steel-wool like surface? I would shave my co-worker's neck himself, except I'm absolutely terrified of being swallowed whole under the underbrush like a bad Evil Dead knockoff.
21:54 / 28.06.03
Cagey freaks of nature who use "I heart [insert blank here]" for whatever it is that gets their rocks off. The phrase is like some Invisible alphabet subconscious switch. I want to vomit copiously and uncontrolllably everytime somebody uses it. Makes me feel trapped in an afterschool special circa 1983 that I'll. never. ever. be. free. of. *cue horror music*

And roaches. Those things are prime heebie jeebie material for me. Think it's an itch on your leg in the middle of night? Unh uh. Little bastards skittering across your skin, that what it is.
22:03 / 28.06.03
Re. poo. My aunt used to call shit 'pies', as in, to her sons, 'do you need to do a pie?' Ohmyfuckinggod. It never failed to make me cringe.
22:24 / 28.06.03
Silverfish and earwigs for me. I'll try to put nearly any other bug outside, but silverfish get an instant squashing, and earwigs the same with a sturdy shoe, (or a handy brick) and a sissy-girl "Ew ew ew ew ew ew gross gross gross ew die!"

I am a weak coward.
00:05 / 29.06.03
Chol - remind me never to go for a steak and Kidney pie at your aunt's place (well id prolly avoid kidney anyway since its y'know offal)
08:30 / 29.06.03
Consider it done, sleaze...

Mourne Kransky
08:30 / 29.06.03
Hehehe. I suspect I hear poo used a lot more down here than I did back on my native heath where the word "Keich" (and "Cack" too) would be more common. My aversion stems from having a nurse for a mother who would cover her disdain for bodily functions by asking us little kids "Have you passed stool" or "Have you emptied your bladder". She would say "anus" instead of bottom (unless she was furious with me and about to smack mine) which word still irritates me, even in its correct context. I am thus psychically scarred on the toilet language front and prefer more profane terms.

Was watching the scrubbers on C4 last week when I posted my little rant about poo. Kim (the one with the ice cream hair) on How Clean is your House? uses baby talk for all eliminatory functions, including peepee which is damned annoying too. Mind you, she had just had her nose down the dirtiest, foulest toilet I've seen since Trainspotting.
Mourne Kransky
08:37 / 29.06.03
btw, Cholister, I'm looking forward to your contribution of one of your aunt's recipés on this thread.
09:25 / 29.06.03
Hm...I did notice that. Rather a horrifying little coincidence, really.
Mr Messy
09:28 / 30.06.03
My brother's teeth.
Or rather the lack of them.
At the youthful age of 35, he has let them rot rather spectacularly. There's only the odd brown stump visible when he opens his mouth.
He seems to be totally out of touch with the amount of ick factor he presents his friends and family with.
Worse still, he always wants to give me a kiss whenever I see him, and I can't help but feel repulsed. I know he's my bruv but still.... I can't help it.

I say poo too. Yay.
Cat Chant
16:17 / 30.06.03
Fans referring to Daniel Radcliffe (i.e. avatar of Harry Potter) as 'Dan'

How do you feel about "pretty pretty Daniel"?
16:52 / 30.06.03
Scary scary fans, is how I feel. Fortunately for my precious peace of mind I had not come across that particular phrase until now.

Oh dear...
Aethelwine Jedi
17:50 / 30.06.03
People who dress their young children in overtly adult-style clothing, especially if that clothing is skimpy. On a similar note: kids wearing make-up. *vomits*
20:15 / 30.06.03
Actually, I finally bothered to properly read some MPreg (because, if I want to do my PhD on slash, I'm going to have to read plenty of stuff that bores me/bothers me - I've read enough of the fun stuff to be going on with, I think. Yeah, I know my lack of a work ethic is deplorable - just be grateful you don't have to do battle with it every day), and discovered that, much like hairy chests, the idea is far worse than the reality. Haven't read much, but I think it throws up some very interesting points about gender in slash... so, for the record, I take back what I said about MPreg, because it was, probably like too much of what I say, spoken in ignorance.
Cat Chant
06:59 / 01.07.03
Cho - I know Lexin's mpreg is meant to be 'mpreg for people who don't like mpreg'. I've never read any (by anyone) myself but it's a genre I've always thought of fondly, particularly after the Red Rose discussion where we decided the point of mpreg was to find out "to what extent men can be people".
07:47 / 01.07.03
Oh, I *love* that...
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