Since under the button for Conversation it says for “off-topic comments,” after some thought I figured I’d best place this here. I really don’t know what else might be appropriate.
I have been working on a thread about PM Protocol because occasionally every now and then something happens and some people get upset about having the contents of PMs published on the public forum (and I’ll tell you right now it was difficult not to write that as “…the contents of M in F”) and it might be appropriate to try to explore the issue so there is some consensus as to what might constitute “ground rules” of this aspect of PMs. That way, it is more likely that outrage over some vague transgression will not outweigh concern over what might be more pressing issues. Other issues have also come up, some particularly close to me as a member of this community.
Within that thread Haus remarks, with regard to the events and actions that transpired between a former member named Ierne and a former incarnation of me called modfive (who transformed during the course of this conflict into modthree—mainly as part of illustrating that magick is about metamorphosis and change: but not all members involved in diZzy at the time appreciated this move in the same way):
“What I took away from it [where here by ‘it’ I am assuming that Haus means the whole course of events started in diZzy between Ierne and modfive and carried over into the rest of the board between Ierne and modthree culminating in “Ierne’s Blind Date”] was that any venture into the Magick forum was likely to lead to flaming, persecution and attempts at magical attack by *someone*, and as such those who habituated it were probably best avoided. This impression does not seem to have been unique.”
So, as a future incarnation of that mad old modfive and that upstart modthree, I … >0< … have to sincerely apologize to any who have shared Haus’ conclusion from that whole mess so long ago. It has often been said in the past that Magick is a ghetto forum, and I am certain that if this is how some people already tentative about magic/k saw that whole eruption, then this did not in any way assist the Magick forum. This is entirely a sad state of affairs.
It is a tragedy that a conflict between two people could become generalized into a biased perception towards a certain group of members simply because they frequent a particular corner of Litherland. Again, to all those who made this same generalization, and figured Magick wasn’t a place for them, and also thought that those members actively involved in Magick were “best to be avoided”—my deepest apologies. This is an entirely regretful misunderstanding, and since it seems to keep following me around, I’d like to say here and now that such fallout as this is really awful.
I suppose too, then, that apologies are due to those regular members of the Magick forum who were treated poorly, ignored, not taken seriously, avoided, etc. due to such fallout. Again, I never realized that the whole thing had such negative consequences not only for both Ierne and myself, but for the rest of the community. Seriously, I had no idea that such huge ripples were caused by the stone that was diZzy.
All apologies for my role in those events to those members who have been wounded, harmed, damaged, or offended by what transpired between Ierne and myself.
I would also like to say that my impression is that not many members who frequent the Magick forum would likely be the same sort of people who would employ magickal attack at a whim or due to a tiff or something—myself included: humour, after all, is an important ingredient in magic/kal work. Perhaps some would if pushed far enough, but I imagine others would not employ magickal attacks under most if not all circumstances. Again, it is terrible indeed if so-called “neophytes” were turned away from exploring magic/k simply because of the conflict between myself and Ierne.
Z+ |