My fave moment of blinding syncronicity was way back in the day when I was a student in Newcastle, enjoying a short-term (but very intense) relationship with LSD.
My friends and I would all neck a tab, wait for the jingly-janglies to start, then all march out over the town moor and around the local streets, marvelling at fantastic objects such as street lights. Anyway, it was approaching the end of our final year and we were all about to go our separate ways to every corner of the country.
We decided to have one last parting trip together and ended up getting these acid tabs with a big, fat Buddha printed on them. It seemed that these were about the most powerful wee fuckers we'd ever had and so we promptly set off yomping through the fields, pointing out astounding things like dog turds and the like to each other.
We spent a while sat up on a hill, looking out over the lights of the city, all beginning to feel quite emotional knowing that we may never see each other again. We hugged. We cried a little. Then we set off runing down the hill towards the empty streets, laughing maniacally, having a great old time.
On the final straight before we got back home we were met with a sight that stopped us dead in our tracks. Nobody said a word, we just stood there in awe. Right there in front of us, 30 feet wide and 12 feet high, was a poster advertising Back To The Future 3, complete with the tag-line in massive letters, They Saved The Best Trip Until Last!
Now that one really blew our drug-addled little minds! |