*puts on his horns and pulls out his pitch fork*
...as school become funded more and more by corporations and schoolbusses are being used as advertsing space, we are in a lot of danger that classroom are becoming infomercials.
Corporate propaganda houses as opposed to clean-cut government propaganda houses. Corporations are to the US Government what the Church was to Feudal Kingdoms. They have lawyers instead of inquisitors.
You either get educated by the corporations or you get educated by the government. At least when the corporations are teaching, they have to pay someone to get you to listen. When the government is teaching you, they're using your money.
What purpose would the corporate world have to have inadequate education facilities, anyway? Stupid workers are inefficent workers. They don't produce as much, and the "new" economy requires more and more intelligent workers to keep it running. It's only logical that they'd step in and take over where the government seems to be failing. Cutting out the middle man.
schools already have a hard time teaching the truth about the history of american foreign policy, the motives behind the civil war, the effect of the Monroe doctrine, etc.
Schools have never taught the absolute truth about American history. They give a quick run down of what look like important events from the American point of view. The Brits were beaten, slavery was bad, the US liberated Europe twice, some reverend said something about having a dream, those hippies protested against Vietnam.
how much worse will it get when american history has to be approved by nabisco the way tv shows do?
What's the difference? Schools have been limiting the extent and the viewpoint in which history is taught to favor a pro-capitalist, pro-American, pro-corporate stance for decades. At least this way we can hold the corporations directly accountable if they screw up and decide to leave things that seem important out. It's great left-wing propaganda fodder. "Think of the children!"

think about why embedding advertsing messages in math problems might not be bad...
It presents something appealing to the student in the form of a problem, perhaps enticing them to look at it a little more carefully and gets the school system additional funding in the process.
The school system sucks because it doesn't recieve adequate funding from the government. The schools are trying to improve the quality of the education they can provide to the students. If that means using Oreos instead of circles to do math problems, that's what they have to do. |