You'll pardon the tetchiness, but....
www.internationalhero.co.uk is *such* a half-arsed job. I mean, yes, he's got nice images there, but that's about it.
You want British (and international) heroes and villains?
Go to my Fantastic Victoriana site, at http://www.geocities.com/jessnevins/vicintro.html (forthcoming in fall/winter 2004 as The Encyclopedia of Fantastic Victoriana from MonkeyBrain Books) and my Pulp Heroes site, at http://www.geocities.com/jjnevins/pulpsintro.html (forthcoming in winter 2005/spring 2006 as The Encyclopedia of Pulp Heroes). I may not have the kewl pictures but unlike internationalheroesyobbo I actually a) provide descriptions of the heroes, which are taken from b) books and stories I've actually read, rather than been told about, and c) I've actually done some research on the subject.
And, yes, I've got British heroes and villains on the site. In great numbers. |