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Keep your eyes peeled (WTO)

16:12 / 24.10.01
I was walking up 13th Street towards Fifth Avenue during lunchtime and saw this on a flyposter:


Tour of Global Offenders Friday Nov. 9 3PM – 8PM
U.S. Strategy Summit on Corporate Power & Democracy Nov. 8, 9, & 10

The military campaign has just begun, but the economic war has been underway for years...
War in Afghanistan will not stop terrorism, but it will serve the interests of the oil corporations, military contractors, the WTO and the IMF.
Join us to call for a world based on economic justice & peace. Let the world know that the anti-WTO movement has not been silenced!
(check the web for local groups)

No mention anywhere on the sign as to who put it up but sounds like there's a plan afoot...Thought I'd give it a mention here.
mondo a-go-go
07:20 / 25.10.01
yeah, i think there's one in london, too. i seem to remember something about it on one of the many leaflets handed out at a recent demo/vigil (been on so many lately...)
Frances Farmer
22:17 / 25.10.01
I think Naomi Klein made some comments about this, but has anybody else noticed the propaganda steering this whole 9/11 thing towards an "assault on globalisation"? like they're trying to equate terrorists with protestors? It's just a bit chilling.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
07:11 / 26.10.01
Who's doing this steering Frances, 'us' or 'them'? If it's 'us' is it because 'the usual suspects' are involved in both?
Frances Farmer
08:44 / 26.10.01
Mostly odd commentators on CNN and the like. They start with the line "They attacked the economic heart of America," -- and then go into how so many different countries had native residents doing work out of those towers, and then talk about globalisation, and then draw the line "attack on globalisation" -- which probably isn't entirely inaccurate, but I just worry about these undertones. You hear things like "This is a war against those who would stop progress!", and you wonder how far their thoughts are continuing this line.
13:50 / 26.10.01
I sympathised with all you American ‘Lithers when Bush made out like he was speaking for you as a nation, largely because Blair was doing exactly the same thing to us (only making us look like a sycophantic lackey in the process. “Excellent master: who can we kill for you”. But this fucking makes me fucking furious. To say that Bin Laden anything like the biblical Satan is fucking irresponsible, unfounded, hate filled garbage. Bush has left Christianity at the door, along with his brain, his conscience, his fucking morals for fucks sake. I was holding off sending some of my more peacenik e-mails to American friends because I felt it might damage friendships (my American friends are mostly much less informed than your good selves Barbelith), but I’m now determined to spread whatever good vibes I can regardless of whether they’ll listen or not.

‘Bush view the world in Christian terms?’ My puckered fucking anus he fucking does.
06:16 / 27.10.01
Apologies for the above post. Knee-jerk reaction. Of course, there are worse things that Bush has done since he’s been in office than make horrendous implied claims about a man he apparently still can’t prove is guilty beyond circumstantial evidence (at least, as far as I’ve seen) and drag an already blood spattered faith through the filth again. Like ordering actions that will exacerbate an already frightening and deadly situation, killing innocent people in the process using deplorable means. But you can see why I’d be upset.
Jack The Bodiless
11:48 / 27.10.01
Hell, yes. Big hug, little one...
Harold Washington died for you
02:03 / 29.10.01
Speaking out is great and surely one our most precious rights, but you better be careful. The Man is going high tech.

quote: Tests of a controversial weapon that is designed to heat people's skin with a microwave beam have shown that it can disperse crowds. But critics are not convinced the system is safe.

Last week, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) in New Mexico finished testing the system on human volunteers. The Air Force now wants to use this Active Denial Technology (ADT), which it says is non-lethal, for peacekeeping or riot control at "relatively long range" - possibly from low-flying aircraft.

link to article

[ 29-10-2001: Message edited by: Morocco Mole ]
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