The story is of individuals seeking freedom among a future American society, where Republican Imperialism has essentially won out over Republican Democracy. While similar to the historical understanding we have of Ancient Rome, the tale will seek to replace the individual personalities of Roman Emperors, with the organizations found in modern society, each of which will personify the “evils” which our protagonists are in competition with.
The story will center on a group of individuals who start a company in the new Empire - a legacy of the modern day in 2004 - but, who slowly use the organization to create an underground Democracy. This democracy, ultimately, will be the force which will bring down the Imperial American Empire, and replace it with an International Democratic system of sovereign nations (nations which will include former states of the US, e.g., California will be its own country) - only they will do it using the rhetoric and references of the original combatants of the American Revolutionary period.
The story will take us through the personal relationships of the individuals, caught up in the whirlwind of political, social and economic change, but also integrate this focus with much detail surrounding the future American Empire, and how life works within it. Scenes will depict the uneasiness of the body politic, the unsettling morals of the new Empire, identify key inner-workings of the Legal, Political and Economic models of the society, and even provide some perspective of the Empire from outside its borders and reach.
At first, the audience will be led to believe that while this is the future, it is not too far forward in the future, and much of everyday life in America will be similar to that witnessed in modern, 2004 America. Assumptions of modern day life are to be played out in simplistic ways, but will set up the revelation of more sinister dynamics, as the story unfolds.
The critical aspects of the story are: 1) that the rebellion, nor the Empire not seem too fringe or extremist; 2) that direct parallels between today and the future are drawn and made clear; 3) that the primary means for the desired effect of the rebellion look and feel like modern day solutions, as opposed to seemingly impossible, unfathomable, nor so futuristic that it would be impossible today, in the real world, e.g., a miracle of technology, not currently known to be theoretically possible today.
The goal of this story is to encourage the audience, while enjoying an epic, but entertaining story, to self-evaluate their own modern conceptions of what happens politically in their lives, and to expose the psychological foundations these projections are built upon. The hope is that the burden of responsibility for politics is made apparent, and that some awareness of how organization can be achieved in a free-market setting is promoted, in stark contrast to a corporate one.
The story of the Empire itself will be similar to the Roman Empire‘s convolutions, where the Empire - having achieved total control over the known world - will split, based publicly on ideology, but with power being the true underlying cause. After some description of integration with the European Union, and then Asia (which will occur very quickly, as a result of a strategic plan executed by the GOP, not violently), it will become clear that America is the only nation left on the planet. Any remaining ‘nations’ are actually client-states of the American Republic, or they will be occupied outright (the term will, of course, be, “liberated”).
In the split, the Empire will finally have a worthy enemy to fulfill the needs of the political leaders desperately trying to find the means of stoking the dying military/industrial economy - and what quickly brings the future stability of the Empire into question. Instead of safety and growth, global hegemony brings stagnation and fear, as the hegemony was established through military domination, and violating anti-trust positions in the marketplace - and not an actual need or desire for hegemony. Politically however, the public blame intensifies on the ideological ideas of the two main parties, and so the prognosis of Empire split is a poor solution, for a poor diagnosis, but which suits perfectly, the needs of those in power.
The plot will take the audience through a series of decades where the underground rebellion (who names pure democracy/anarchy as their political goal) establishes a healthy “black market“, which will be referred to as the Concord Project, or Concord. The marketplace they create is only ‘illegal’ because it isn’t taxed and regulated by the Empire, but the goods sold, are all normal, everyday items and services, as opposed to traditional black markets. Fascinatingly, the market exists (around the Globe) among everyday citizens of the American Empire, but in using a non-systematic-reliant set of guidelines, the market evolves so fast, and so creatively, that American Empire authorities cannot detect or stop its persistence.
Because of it’s promotion of creativity and adherence to free market principles - over the rampant institutionalized capitalism of the Empire - the superior marketplace soon becomes the most valued marketplace in the world (largely because the world‘s energy and health problems are able to be solved, secretly, by the ingenuity in this market, but also as it becomes the cultural hub of the world), and ends up becoming the major conduit for dissent against the Empire (most commonly by taking value out of the Empire‘s economy).
This marketplace is ultimately the cause for the emergence of the rebellion proper (referred to as the later phases of Concord, which is designated with three modern software development project terms: Alpha, Beta, and Gold: ‘Gold’ being the final stage where the conflict which determines the future beyond the story, takes place; and, ‘Alpha’ being the beginning stage of simply formulating the theory and functions of the market and its secret authorities).
The story can jump into this timeline at any given point to pull out a rich universe of colorful characters and mind-blowing projections of the not-too-distant future. But the key is to make relevant points regarding today’s problems, and projecting the indicators of likely outcomes to their extreme, for maximum philosophical impact.
People are separated by ideologies, and even the Empire has tried to reflect this in migration and immigration, as well as housing and tax, policies. The various communities the audience are exposed to reflect groups of people all caught up in the throws of “Us vs. Them” thinking. There will never be an intellectual conversation of malice among these people in the story, rather arguments will be mindless regurgitations of strategically-generated dogma, that often don’t even make sense for lack of context. They will represent, in fictional storytelling, the ideal of individuals caught in pluralistic ignorance, completely unable to think for themselves, through an incurable dependence on the state for ideology, religion and education. This will be highlighted with Bill O’Reilly-like conversations of bullying and “think-speak” everywhere in public, which prevent any actual debate from occurring.
The largest organizations in the story will be the corporations, and they will be the true enemy of the Minute Men (MM), or the secret enforcers of the Concord Project. The MM will make clear early and often, what aspects of the corporate-democratic system are faulty from a philosophical perspective. They will enunciate clearly, the problems with monopolies, and methods which make society dependent on fear to function, as well as try to attack the corporations in uniquely complex strategies which cleverly expose the weaknesses of corporations, from business cycles to an inability to absorb and reflect on cultural concerns. The primary means for this will be to work against the undeniable goal of profit that corporations have intrinsically.
Untraditionally, the heroes will focus on things like creativity, productivity and distribution as their weapons. Instead of engaging the corporate system by force, the story will instead largely be one of non-violent protest, meme-warfare, and system sabotage, incurred by an increasingly informed democratic body of people made possible by the Concord marketplace.
The story can wind up in actual, physical, conflict if deemed necessary for successful philosophical impact, or for entertainment value, but ideally the story will instead portray non-violent means as a more fruitful and secure path for incurring change. There will be violent struggles in the Empires dealings, and this would be a better outlet for such ‘entertainment’ concerns.
Perhaps the main premise of the story, is to constantly fold all possibilities over into their most unlikely outcome. The enemy should appear to be the friend. The hero should be seen as the least respected and legitimate character in society, for the story. The political, social and even spiritual rules which seem the most obvious in society today, should be proven unbelievable by the end of the story. The audience should come away from the story having successfully incurred the philosophical motivation of enquiry, as this will be the most important achievement for this fictional endeavor.
Just like the Roman Empire, this Empire too, will split. From modern day, up to the point of the split of the future Empire, the nation will successfully dominate the world as the fear incurred in the “War on Terrorism” lends corporate government complete global hegemony. After a period of a few years, success finally rots the state however, and our Concord movement begins, shortly following the Great Wipe of 2010 (the “act” which infuriates the people through an understanding of what it took to pull off as an apparent accident by the powers that be), and incurs it‘s Alpha phase two years into the Empire‘s declaration in 2008, shortly after President Dick Jansen is elected the last President of the old Republic.
Shortly thereafter, with a lack of apparent enemies (having seemingly defeated “Terror” a few years earlier, the events of which incurred the Empire to revoke the Constitution and thus start the “United States of America, Corporate-Democratic Empire“), and a shrinking acceptance that fighting “drugs” is a reasonable means of treatment (through overwhelming evidence, and simple, obvious, cost-benefit analysis), the ability to fund the Military/Industrial Complex diminishes greatly, sending the bulk of the corporate economy dependent on it, into a tailspin.
So, a few years following, the empire leaders decide to split the Empire and create manifestations of traditional, ideological, enemies in the process. The initiative will be lead by the DNC and GOP (who pretend to incur a great rift of thought in leadership), and the split will occur along those lines.
Before long, and without any real cognitive debate, a Socialism vs. Capitalism argument is put before the people again, although this time, the people will be choosing which to go into and live, as the Empire splits in two - all in one single migratory process unheralded in the history of human kind, and thus termed, “The Great Migration”. The idea is that the Empire splits geographically in many places, and that people are allowed the chance to move to one of those two new designations (pretending to be a closer approximation of each ideological viewpoint), and even make fair trades to get there. A property trading system is set up to swap properties of equivalent values, and various organizations who specialize in organizational and property migration spring up and flourish during this time.
The DNC has superior representation in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and as such, makes these regions the “Middle” half of the Empire, while the GOP has superior representation in the Americas and Asia, as well as dominates the resources and property there, so the extremes of East and West are termed the Polar Powers, or Polar Empire. The DNC will make the case for being a place for social integration and harmony, while the GOP will make the argument of being the home of the individual spirit, and ultimately, the home of freedom.
Some of the spiritual plot intrigue comes in the form of Israel, which remains a part of the Polar Empire, much like a West Berlin in a USSR of 20th Century Soviet Russia. Through Israel, much of the new Cold War-like conflict between the Middle and Polar powers is played out, invoking the concerns of the three spiritual concerns of the story.
The MM, theoretically organized in the Alpha phase, and materialized en masse in the Beta phase (where Beta was incurred by the Empire split) will enter into “conflict”, slightly unprepared, just before going to Gold phase, some 10 years following the Great Migration. Once the two empires are complete in their establishment, Concord has no choice but to enter conflict and set in motion the events which ultimately destroy the Empire - what will be termed, “The Reckoning”, or the day the Empire’s leadership were both exposed to be working in collusion with each other to perpetuate a war for economic reasons, but on the public premise of an unyielding philosophical difference, and after the death of millions. The Reckoning happened instantaneously, and without conflict - Concord was immediately instituted by society as the ruling power of the Globe, and will be at that point, as laid out in “Alpha” stage, “happily ever after”.
Spiritually, the story will follow three principle religious faiths, as events unfold. The primary subject will be the Evangelical Christian Church, personified by it’s leader, heard and seen constantly in sound bites over the airwaves, which will be used for continuity from scene to scene. The same aspect of Christian zealousness will reveal itself in a number of society scenes where it is clear that the local Christian faith exercises extreme influence in the marketplace, but fails to understand this bias because of their assumption of monogamous faith on the part of the community - which, like today, will not be true.
The second aspect of faith covered will be the Judeo tradition, in it’s myriad forms. Without dwelling too long or too deeply on the faith itself, and without any desire to be critical of the tradition - the point will be to expose Judaism’s many faces, and reveal its lack of hegemony, while it’s cause is exploited at the hands of the Corporate Democratic powers, e.g., hinting at Israeli support for returning Palestinian control to the occupied territories - the principle cause for the Polar Power’s insurgence into the Middle Empire, via Israel.
Finally, the story will look at Taoist approaches to all in life, with the protagonists being great supporters of the philosophical priorities of Taoism in the modern context of Corporate Democracy. The story will show -through it‘s depiction of a successful and flourishing society living among the “black market”, but alongside the oppressive Corporate market at the same time - an integration of free-market principles, working in concert with Taoist ‘truisms‘, will overcome the Empire of monotheist faith, and in total irony, they will mostly exploit the proclaimed morals of the monotheist traditions as their means of doing so.
This will culminate in a scene where shortly after or near “The Reckoning”, the protagonists remind the monotheist antagonists of their own rules: thou shalt not worship idols. The point is to demonstrate how the need for institutionalized idolatry (dependence on the state, or the projection, by the people, of a superior state) is what ultimately brings the Empire to ruin.
This “idol worship” will be countered by those who see no “permanence“, and who instead turn to the pitfalls of the free-market, free-will, and Democracy, to counter the “evils” of state dependence, and the absolute. The compelling argument is that all ideologies today, with few exceptions anyway, are subject to this tendency.
Therefore, despite the GOP, or Polar Empire, being the proclaimed hero of the very same philosophical point - they demonstrate, by being the most militarily competent, yet least democratic, that it is just as simple to pretend one is in favor of a given principle, while actually doing the opposite.
The DNC, or Middle Empire, on the contrary attempts to walk their talk, but is blinded by the notion that we can all be the same people. The DNC will demonstrate that this notion of hegemony will kill the ingenuity human kind requires to evolve and survive through lack of diversification.
Concord, on the other hand, will represent our little “utopia“, where the ugly (and hopefully colorful) results of democracy and the free-market actually survive to present the world with the answers to it‘s worst problems, and still serve the compassion that humanity is capable of.
Creativity will be a major theme of the story, with the true underlying suggestion being a glance into a future where humanity comes to understand the value of creativity, pitted against the staunch defenders of the Military/Industrial Complex, which dominate the Corporate Democratic System represented, and who can only conceive of, and evaluate, an economy by monetary- and production-oriented value systems based in faulty absolutes.
The importance of the spiritual aspect of the story will be apparent in the depiction of creativity’s force in rectifying the story’s worst dilemmas. The answer to every problem will always come from a creative exercise that Empire society would typically deem crude, unnecessary, moronic or even heretical, for lack of profit or a perception of piety. Hopefully, many of these can be the more comedic moments, as well as the more touching moments of the story, to provide maximum, moral, impact and perspective.
Stylistically the film should follow patterns noticeable in modern times, and not extrapolate too far into the future, or reach too hard at creating an entirely new universe. This story is almost modern as it only spans some 20-30 years and is starts in the modern day. Therefore, this stylistic impact should be achieved by reorganizing society as we know it, in dramatic forms, over hyper-short periods of time. Empowering a group in society from simple organization, to a physical enforcer for the Empire, would be one example. Where Boy Scouts used to be kids, enjoying the outdoors with peaceful activities, they will instead become something akin to the Guardian Angels, and instead police homosexuality in society - a new, convenient, enemy of the Polar Empire (supposedly the home of “freedom“).
There should be a punch to everything however, the creative heroes of the story will exhibit a great many eccentricities. Music will be a major theme for the film, as it’s motive will be the excuse for many gatherings, scenes and even the cause for entire organizations. Music will be a major form of communication for the underground elements in the story, along with (networked) video games, raves, internet sites and mobile phone networks and anything else we can conceive of.
Much like the 1960s, sub- and counter-culture will determine much of what is happening in reaction to authority aloof. This is where the story can generate much romanticism and decorate the heroes with a huge stylistic punch.
The focus of the story is a human focus, more than anything else, and as such, any new stylistic ideas should focus on, or reflect this, as opposed to something like ideological or religious iconography, e.g., visuals references to the Taoist themes present in the story. Ideally, some completely new creative/stylistic concepts can be incurred in this story, but they will also need a solid foundation of awareness expressed in an accurate cultural representation of today’s world, to be acceptable. Taking an element from today, and projecting it out into the future, must have a believable, accurate, design logic attached to it, so that the audience is not caught thinking the idea far-fetched or the part that breaks the “believability” of the story.
The story’s style must always be subservient to cultural believability. This need not be true in 20 years with hindsight - just relevant today, or within the next four years or so.
One example will be in positioning many characters representative of modern day “Liberals”, as well as “Conservatives”, as people who aren’t in the DNC, or GOP - but rather in the “black market“, the people in Concord. They will tear down the fallacy of ideologues positioned within partisan constraints, but who are not in these parties, and don’t even agree with their policies.
This would be very controversial analysis today in the mainstream, but remains true. These are the fallacies the story hopes to unravel a bit, and get the audience to question about modern society through fictional exploration.
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“The Right”
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Bob O’Hannon
Bully Talk Show Host
Daryl Shoemaker
Right-Wing Columnist
Winston Chesterfield
Right-Wing Radio Talk Show Host
Molly Bolten
Right-Wing Author
Mike Fudge
Right-Wing Internet Editorialist
Chris Williams
Evangelical Christian Leader
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Emmanuel Jackson
Former Chief of Staff in the old Republic, and Vice-President to the last administration of the Republic, that of Dick Jansen. Mr. Jackson was the African-American to reach the highest political offices in the Republic, via the military, and was deeply admired in the old Republic. He is credited with being a uniting force in the transition from Republic to Empire, but also derided as the “turn-coat” who used the issue of race to the advantage of the GOP‘s plots, in being their “yes man“.
George “H.” Bach, Jr.
Grandson of Herbert “Lucky Strike” Bach, and son of former President, George Bach Sr., and the second-to-last President of the USA rep. Considered the catalyst administration for the transition to Empire. Could be considered America’s equivalent to “Caesar”. Was infamously called, “H” (Hay-eech), to distinguish him from his father, while his enemies called him “Junior“.
Dick Jansen
Jenson’s history stretches back to the Nixon Administration, and is perhaps the most impressive resume in the history of American Politics: CEO of Harrisburton; Vice-President for Bach Jr.; the last President of the old Republic; and the First Emperor, or Chief Executive (CE) of the USADCE. Along with CE Donald Ginfield, considered the master-mind of the 6 decades of GOP strategy which defined the transition from Republic to Empire. Jansen was assassinated shortly before The Reckoning, when his SUV was hijacked and taken on a “suicide drive” over a 2k-foot cliff, by extremist members of the Green collective, who parachuted to safety.
Donald Ginfield
Defense Secretary for Bach Jr, Donald Ginfield also has roots traceable to the Nixon Administration, and is thought to be the third element of the GOP “Triage” who orchestrated the plan to turn the USA rep. into an Empire, and who are largely credited with its existence.
Saul Foxworthy
Bach policymaker, also credited with developing much of the ideological foundations of the GOP’s neo-conservative platform.
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“The Left”
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Tim Jaffers
Bully Talk Show Host
Jerry Klugman
Left-Wing Columnist
Ernie Ford
Left-Wing Radio Talk Show Host
Tim Pitchings
Left-Wing Author
Marianna Wellington
Left-Wing Internet Editorialist
Chris Williams
Jewish Leader
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William Washington Stanton
The DNC predecessor to George Bach Jr., “Slick Willy” Stanton’s administration set the cultural precedents necessary to enrage the GOP uprising of 2000. Despite two successful administrations, the GOP’s strategic attacks on the Stanton Administration were responsible for creating the environment needed to make the Bach Platform so popular, and the over-reactions to Terrorism, enabled in the Bach Administration, possible.
Jillian Goddard-Stanton
Wife of Bill Stanton, Former First Lady, Senator and Politician in the old Republic, and First Empress of the Middle Empire. Mrs. Stanton was instrumental in the GOP’s strategy to dissolve the Congress in the old Republic, by providing much of the resentment needed among the public to hand control of the Republic to the Bach Administration. However, she was proven quite legitimate in her claims of Right-Wing Conspiracy, over time, and came to represent the core expression of the DNC, or Middle Empire, “post-migration“.
It was not until The Reckoning that she was exposed along with the remainder of the DNC, and her dead husband, as being in total collusion with the GOP for several decades, so that social security, and the tax system could be totally reengineered, in accordance with neo-conservative theory.
Hal Pitch
Vice-President to Bill Stanton, and defeated candidate for President in 2000, and again, at the last minute in 2004, to the same administration. Pitch was the personification of what the GOP strategy focused on, and epitomized what was demonized in the Left-Wing. As a twice-defeated candidate, he became a cultural icon of Left-Wing defeat. It was this projection which enabled the GOP to dominate all three branches of Government in the old Republic to the end, and push public sentiment toward that aim.
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"The Rest: Concord"
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An encyclopedia entry (circa, 2060):
How did the lives of people change in Corporate Democratic America?
After the fall of the American Republic (U.S.A. rep.), Americans believed that individual people, themselves, did not really matter as much as other ideals. What was important, they believed, was a strong centralized military, property rights, and to use the “marketplace” to decide all controversy. The fall of the Republic on October 10th, 2002, triggered the beginnings of "Corporate Democracy" as we know it today, and helps provide the context for why this form of Fascism is considered deceiving.
Corporate Democracy used the terms and dynamics of classic Democracy to infer that democratic processes were being undertaken, while fascistic processes and feudalist dynamics dominated most decision-making for society. The popular intellectual minds of the time had not yet fully understood the means to communicate basic psychology or impart an awareness of linguistics principles among the masses, which could later demonstrate the fallacious nature of the Empire - built on the public's assertion of "logic" at that time, later considered the root cause for it's ultimate collapse in 2038, following the success of Concord: Gold (see: The Concord Project), and its premises of creativity, democracy, and a free-market system.
Individuals were expected to accept the basic protocol assigned to them in society - women were expected to act subservient and nurturing, even when in roles of authority, while men were considered inefficient or sidelined if they did not behave in a belligerent, or arrogant manner. Racism, gender and age prejudices - brought forth from previous ages - often dominated social, business and cultural power structures in an evolved form, where the society as a whole behaved as if none of these persisted, and genuinely believed so. Most critically, however, anyone with a working knowledge of linguistics and psychology were chastised in the public forums of the day. Human cognition of that society simply could not fathom the notion that language was not absolute, and this dynamic came to shape what power structures would rely upon, to fulfill their roles in society, through legal and media manipulation using language and unassisted logic (see: "pure logic").
"Niche Class" structures were adopted, mimicking the industrial and commercial movements of the time, to weave a sophisticated appearance of democratic society within the public institutions, media, and meeting places. This had the effect of calming the Empire's citizenry during the various periods of transition, and provided them with a clear sense that democracy was being facilitated. The reality that over 99% of the world's population - and more than 95% of the American population - were unable to directly experience the benefits of the Corporate Democratic system, was too much pressure to bear for very long however. Historians presume the Concord reformation period was essentially incurred, as a direct result of this social pressure.
Some historians even speculate that the Empire was only able to exist because of the public fear engendered by the still unknown opposition of the old Republic, who would employ guerrilla and terror tactics to fight such an economically/militarily superior entity. Theories speculate that the last enemies of the old Republic provided the catalyst for the Republic to dissolve itself, in the form of widespread public panic and fear. Many legends of major atrocities subsequent to the period persist, but there is little evidence such foes ever presented much of a threat to the empire militarily, thus many historians believe these rumors were created by former enemies of the Empire, to discredit it's version of history, possibly “Concordians“.
After the "Civil Rights" movements throughout the 20th Century, general consensus among the Republic dictated that racism, as well as all gender, culture and age bias, had ended in the mid-20th Century. This was another powerful component of the deceiving dynamics of the young Corporate Democracy, and considered one of the primary causes for the inability of American society to understand what exactly was changing in their own government and how.
Initially - with the concerns of the 20th Century still dominating geo-political attention globally (referred to as the Cold War, a stalemate ideological “war” waged in the mid-20th Century between the former U.S.A. rep. and the former U.S.S.R. of Eastern Europe, which historians now understand was mostly a public relations exercise on the part of USA policy planners, to create the capital needed to fund the early Military/Industrial Complex, the foundation of the coming Empire), and the technological confusion brought by the beginnings of the Digital Revolution of the 1960s (which facilitated the emerging media constructs Corporate Democracy requires to function) - the Empire's intoxicating situation, the promise of an all-encompassing utopia - converted many to Corporate Democracy, well before the Empire was actually established.
The biggest changes were in the lives of the middle classes, who were being recruited slowly into the mechanics of Corporate Democracy via a mechanic known as "profit-sharing". Profit-sharing was a market-driven mechanic that recreated the original driving force of the old Republic, which presumed that everyone "was created equally". The term itself referred to a spiritual rite of human equivalence, but did so in a Feudalist context, where "everyone" did not mean every human being, but rather, meant every human being in the Upper Classes, or every human being who owned property (in large amounts), i.e., the legacy of the former monarchies of classical Europe, Africa, and all of Asia, with a handful of exceptions (mostly corporate-owned or corporate-controlled, despotic city-states).
While it still remains mostly a mystery, sometime in the late 20th century, Americans (and many outside of America, in her many sister "nations") came to believe that debt was equivalent to ownership (note: this was based on the mythological retellings of the 18th and 19th century beginnings of corporate influence on democracy in Europe and America), and in this context, most governments in Western Society were able to convince the masses that they were in a democracy, when they remained firmly in Republican forms of government. It is believed this core cognitive dissonance was the basis for the next 50 years of seemingly counter-intuitive behavior, i.e., the precedents which made people believe such seemingly unbelievable things to be true.
Some of the other social changes were in the lives of women and children: Books of nursery rhymes were published which encouraged children to presume absolutes, suggest people should worship monotheist deities before they even achieved adolescence, encourage children to play with guns, and to expect, and thus, enjoy violence. Children's songs were about bloodshed, fighting and race. Despite the legal right to Freedom of Religion, monotheist cultures dominated the society in an uncaring and disrespectful manner, which disgruntled most humanists of the time. Many historians believe that after 2000 years of success, the decline of the extremes of Monotheism, was the result of this situation.
At the same time, the Political Classes would engage in massive Public Relations campaigns which gave the appearance that the Corporate Democracy wanted the exact opposite for it's children, and even regulated against such activity usually via party political functions, while partisan leaders secretly profited from the proliferation of the very same materials. This diametrically opposed "intention versus result" mechanic was the principle way in which the general population were lead to believe they were engaging in one form of government, when they were actually helping to support one on the opposite side of the political matrix.

This is one example of how the sophisticated manipulation of language, networks, Law and reason were employed to erect the various constructs of the Empire's success domestically. Subversion and manipulation of Law became the means to enact wide-sweeping legal change that had literally changed the nature of the Constitution of 1787, the document which defined the old Republic's system of government. When the Constitution was declared "null and void" in December, 2004 - President Jansen's first act as President of the old Republic - it was left to Jansen alone to determine the replacement form of government from a legal perspective.
It remains uncertain as to why Americans of the time handed Jansen that power. While many would submit there were more sinister and sophisticated conspiracies, historians believe the basic constructs of Corporate Democracy themselves were what prevented society from understanding how their own government was changing, without malice.
It was believed that Chief Executive (CE) Jansen, along with later Emperor's, CE Ginfield and CE Foxworthy, were the masterminds of the United States of America Corporate Democratic Empire (U.S.A.C.D.E.), which combined the U.S.A.'s holdings with the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (the corporate entities which determined all global economics of the period) to create the new Empire. While the documentation of the time was mostly destroyed to cover up the legal implications, and the great Wipe of 2010 made it virtually impossible to find records of the period, historians have pieced together the recollections of those alive at the time, to theorize about how the relationships were forged to enact the Empire, shortly after the official fall of the Republic, when congress unknowingly voted to dissolve the Constitution on October 10th, 2002. |