Mononoke – I can sympathise with you. I had similar sensations when I was travelling in India. Well, it wasn’t really travelling in the big epic journey sense, I was just there for an all too brief period of time. I thought just by being in India, all would be cool, but I still felt a bit strange and lost for a couple of weeks, until I hooked up with a load of Israelis (ex-army) bumming around in Dharamsala, and then it got good – so I think it’s a lot about having people around who’re after similar things to you, whoever they are – I think the aussies have it sorted in a way, seems like there’s so many of ‘em of the same age, that they got a million and one ready made circles, therefore being easy to indulge in a mass copping off/ booze session for two years. Not saying that all of ‘em do this, but a lot of the ones I’ve met do.
London is weird - everyone is in different ratios, busy, stressed or skint. (Usually all 3 for me) therefore people seem very wrapped up in 'emselves as Mr Laces says - I've no practical advice to offer other than that which everyone else has, it'll take it while but it'll be worth it. It's a great city in a lot of ways. |