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17:08 / 22.10.01
Cheak out:

More importantly the part descusing a 'poll shift'.

quote: The Zetas talk about how most of humanity is in Millennium Denial; that the Earth will experience cataclysmic changes described in a Zeta Vision given to Nancy; that these changes are caused by the periodic visits from a giant comet whose Time Frame is predictable; that the Earth stands witness to Past Cataclysms and the Prior Shift which flash froze Mastodons and Asteroid Traffic; that with the right telescopic equipment this is a Comet Visible but its Visibility Factors and that it is Not a Star must be considered; that Proof Exists and the giant comet is already Heralding its approach with harbingers such as Green Meteors and Space Trash and Permafrost Quakes; why the Zetas are certain that 2003 is the year but Precision is difficult. The Zetas say that in spite of Millennium Fever the government will not Sound the Alarm; that in spite of Manifest Clues such as a Slowing Rotation reflected in Trend Data, there will be diversionary False Alarms, but asteroid 1997 XF11 was a covert warning, Comet Lee a concession, and there is a New Game Plan afoot; that the establishment is Suppressing the Word and hiding the truth behind Cataclysm Masks such as a Lowered Jet Stream; that ZetaTalk is Straight Talk as are the books by authors Velikovsky and Sitchin and many Prophets; why there are Lost Records and Calendars and Clocks adjusted; why there seem to be Differing Prophecies; that signs such as Deformed Frogs and the increasing incidence of Deep Quakes are appearing; that Emotional Adjustments to the news inevitably occur; that Resistance exists so that a Subtle Message is often best; that there will be Crop Failure for three years running going into the shift but these will not be caused by Psi-Tech Pathogens, that Crop Adjustments and Threats of War and ultimately Diet Adjustments will occur; and that a Market Crash will occur, a Financial Freeze possible, with a varied Crash Impact.

The Zetas talk about how the Comet's Tail first sweeps the Earth; then the approaching comet causes the Earth to Stop Rotation for a few days, while Groaning in protest; then gigantic Lightning Bolts occur in the upper atmosphere, Violent Winds occur, and petrochemicals formed in the skies rain down in Firestorms; then, as the core of the Earth attempts to align magnetically with the giant comet, there is a Pole Shift with Continental Rip, Mountain Building, and Sinking and Rising land; how gigantic Tidal Waves and Climbing Water assault the coasts in a Flood Tide, though Water Movement began when rotation stopped, and an Ocean Vortex can form; how plate shifts can result in a Sinking Atlantic floor, affecting the surrounding shorelines, and New Land near Antartica; but how the Other Planets will be little affected. The Zetas talk about how Rotation Returns within a day after the shift; how the Pole Shift will result in new poles and a new equator, a New Geography; how the Earth will undergo Climate Changes; how there will be a New Climate but the Prevailing Winds will re-establish themselves; how later there will be inundations from the oceans due to Melting Ice Caps; how the Earth will experience a Rebirth as it has in the past; that the Seed of Rebirth are in the wilderness we are maintaining as refuges today though some species may become Endangered Species; that life will be on the rebound with oxygen from the Ocean Life, but a Return to Normalcy may take several decades.

The Zetas talk about How to Prepare for that Most Terible Day and what general Safety Measures can be taken but why the people of India should Prepare for Death; the severity of the Earthquakes and Volcanoes that will occur and how to Survive the Quakes and Rampaging Water; what are Safe Places and Safe Structures; what dry lake beds like the Salt Flats offer; that not all water will be Safe Water; that where there is local danger from Nuclear Stockpiles that Pollutants will have dissipated; that we should prepare ahead of time to avoid a Last Minute Panic but the Level of Preparation will vary; and that Countdown Signs will announce that the cataclysms have started. The Zetas talk about what life on Earth will be like in the Aftertime; What will Survive and how the Pole Shift is a Great Equalizer; how Manna from Heaven may be found in some locales; that there will be Government Collapse, but that there will be Survivors including responsible folks who will act as a Mainstay for Others; that worldwide there will be Devastated Cities with even the Machine Age halted, but New Energy sources will be on the upswing and even the Internet will be functional; but that stocks and paper money will be Worthless Money.

The Zetas talk about whether it is myth or truth that the Pole Shift is caused by a planetary Vortex; whether the Earth will experience a Polar Heatwave; whether intervention is possible or are the Cataclysms Inevitable; if the 12th Planet has always approached From Orion; why the 12th Planet seems to be a Rebel Planet; if there are 12th Planet Moons; if the Mayan Calendar is accurate; whether planetary alignment will cause a pole shift on May 5, 2000; whether Atlantis and the Land of Mu exist; whether The Flood occurred and why Noah anticipated this; why the Jewish Exodus occurred and how Moses was guided; whether Tales such as the Red Sea Parting and Jonah and the whale describe Pole Shifts; why there are Submerged Roads near Bermuda; what Ancient Maps reveal; what the Loch Ness Monster and the Yeti have to do with Pole Shifts; whether Hale-Bopp is the millennium comet or the Shramek Object is real; whether earthquakes and volcanic activity are caused by Electro-Magnetic Pulse, and whether an Asteroid Impact could account for the geological evidence.

Lazlo Woodbine [some call me Laz]
19:37 / 22.10.01
11:13 / 23.10.01
All hail, er... Nancy.
18:22 / 26.10.01
quote:Originally posted by Ganesh:
All hail, er... Nancy.

Let's face it - Nostradamus at least got a better shot where brand recognition is concerned.
Nancy who?
23:47 / 26.10.01

...Millennium Denial...Zeta Vision...Time Frame...Past Cataclysms...Prior Shift...

Arbitrarily capitalized initial consonants: a sure sign of a diseased mind.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
12:42 / 27.10.01
quote: ...The Zetas talk about how the Comet's Tail first sweeps the Earth; then the approaching comet causes the Earth to Stop Rotation for a few days, while Groaning in protest...

Phew. I was getting worried and then I read this and realised it was all bollocks. So that's all right then. Could any astronomical entity approach close enough to the Earth to stop it rotating without tearing it apart from gravitational stress first?
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