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elitist LiveJournal bastards!

23:39 / 17.02.02
I can't belive the people who run that damn site. I decide to start a livejournal because I have an overabundance of free time so I head over to register and what do I see. I need a goddamned code from an existing member because and I quote "very few people just stumble upon the site... nearly everybody that signs up does so because a friend referred them".

That is complete and utter bullshit. I DID just stumble across the site. What's wrong, are they afraid somebody might actually treat it as an actual journal? From what I've seen most of the users use their space to write crappy poetry, post song lyrics and the results of online tests. "Oooh, look at me, look at me, I'm fucking Gumby". Jesus Christ, people just piss me off sometimes.
Matthew Fluxington
23:49 / 17.02.02
Oh, fuck LiveJournal - go with Blogger or Diaryland, they are both much better anyway, and have less of an 'emo' stigma...
Gypsy Christ
00:10 / 18.02.02
I use Livejournal if your still intrested i could find someone to generate the code for you .. But it does kidna suck although you get cute little Emotional Kitties.. i like the bitchy one.. WOO that and intoxicated o_O ..
00:16 / 18.02.02
Yeah, I'm still interested. If you could get someone to generate a code for me I'd really appreciate it. I'm sure it does suck and I'll find out for myself in time.
Captain Zoom
02:15 / 18.02.02
Actually I just started one and I love it. For me it's got the same function as posting Daily Poetry here. If I think (egotistically) that someone may actually be reading it, it makes me feel I should be writing something worthwhile.

And it's worthwhile to me at least.

Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
02:46 / 18.02.02
I have one...and if those of you who have one tell me your "name" on it, I'll list you as my friends.

Which is odd...why can't you list people as "Interesting bastards I like to read about" rather than friends?
03:09 / 18.02.02
Dread Pirate Cruncy has a Livejournal and it's not particularly emo...

03:53 / 18.02.02

Long time no si.
bio k9
05:01 / 18.02.02
quote:Originally posted by matsya:
]Dread Pirate Cruncy has a Livejournal and it's not particularly emo...

Um, thats not Livejournal...
12:30 / 18.02.02
I'm thinking about leaving LJ. Two of my friends had their journals deleted because of bullshit "violations," and one of the community's I posted in was axed without any given reason.

It's just gonna be hard for me to leave, because I like the place. You can type in any obscure interest and find the journals of all these other people who share it. The most popular interest there is "music". There are 163 people who have me on their friends list there, and if I delete my journal this is all going down the drain. (I've never had this many friends in my life!)

What to do.
12:36 / 18.02.02
yeah, flux is right, go to diaryland. diaryland is the best!
gentleman loser
15:14 / 18.02.02
I thirds Diaryland. Easy to use, no censorship or stupid rules that I've seen and it's very reliable.

[ 18-02-2002: Message edited by: gentleman loser ]
15:26 / 18.02.02
Ive got one, so if someone needs a code, just pm me and Ill be on it...

however, Im not really too aware of these stupid rules, anyone care take a minute to fill me in?
16:13 / 18.02.02
I need a code.
Gypsy Christ
09:16 / 19.02.02
i think livejournal is fun.. although mainly becuse half my freinds are on there and thats how we all stay in touch try going here though Codes that might help they changed the lay out or maybe i'm misreading but i can't find the genrate code button i'll keep lookin though ^-~
09:54 / 19.02.02
You can generate codes here. Spread the wealth!

I was able to get a code from bitchiekittie so now I'm having fun playing with all the neat options.

Oooh, if I buy an account I get even MORE options. I think I need to look into this "job" thing people are always going on about.

Gypsy Christ, the code you mentioned was the source code. I'd be more than happy to run my own journal site and play God, but I don't have a server to host it on.

[ 19-02-2002: Message edited by: Trijhaos ]
Gypsy Christ
09:54 / 19.02.02
quote:Gypsy Christ, the code you mentioned was the source code. I'd be more than happy to run my own journal site and play God, but I don't have a server to host it on.

Oh oops hehe i feel like a dork i guess i did read that wrong.. or thought Source codes were the same sowwy are you gonna share your live journal thingie?
09:54 / 19.02.02
When you say "livejournal thingie" if you mean the URL then sure. If you mean the access code I will eventually make a post stating that if one doesn't have any "friends" on livejournal I will be more than happy to give one a code. You know the whole "one good turn deserves another", or "what goes around comes around".
here is where my journal is. Nothing much there, but soon there will be many angsty bitchings.

[ 19-02-2002: Message edited by: Trijhaos ]
Gypsy Christ
09:54 / 19.02.02
no no i ment you know your jounral thingie umm the jounral it'self.
13:09 / 19.02.02
I have a feeling the codes are there because the site is overburdened and keeps crashing.

I'm on there as grantb.

Enjoy it.
Jack Denfeld
08:45 / 06.01.04
Livejournal no longer requires codes. Livejournal away!
09:22 / 06.01.04
Yup anyone can sign up now - I want some barbelith friends.. I'll have to start adding people.

I only have 3 friends at the moment but they are - my girlfriend, ROH Champ Samoa Joe and CM Punk, how cool is that?

My ID is bearo if anyone wants to read mine, but there's nothing much there to be honest maybe I'll do an update now....
10:46 / 06.01.04
Does anyone know if there is a way to tell if people are actually reading the journal, I don't mind too much but it would be interesting to see if anyone is actually reading it?
11:18 / 06.01.04
You could ask people to comment if they read it? But then you'd only know how many people comment, as opposed to actually read it, so a different strategy might be better.

I read it though.
13:41 / 06.01.04
I regularly have real time and online friends who don't have livejournal accounts read it, but with one or two exceptions, they never seem to comment there. though they're always certain to elsewhere make fun of something I've written in my journal...bastards!
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