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Global governance

Strange Machine Vs The Virus with Shoes
00:12 / 22.06.03
From George Monbiots article in The Guardian 17/06/2003

I have sought to provide an answer, with a series of proposals for a system of global governance run by and for the world's people. I don't regard them as final or definitive: on the contrary, I hope that other people will refine, transform and, if necessary, overthrow them in favour of better ones. But until we have a programme to reject, we will never develop a programme we can accept.
I have suggested the scrapping of the World Bank and the IMF, and their replacement with a body rather like the one designed by John Maynard Keynes in the 1940s, whose purpose was to prevent excessive trade surpluses and deficits from forming, and therefore international debt from accumulating. I have proposed a transformation of the global trade rules. Poor nations should be permitted, if they wish, to follow the route to development taken by the rich nations: protecting their infant industries from foreign competition until they are strong enough to fend for themselves, and seizing other countries' intellectual property rights. Companies operating between nations should be subject to mandatory fair trade rules, losing their licence to trade if they break them.
The UN Security Council should be scrapped, and its powers vested in a reformulated UN General Assembly. This would be democratised by means of weighted voting: nations' votes would increase according to both the size of their populations and their positions on a global democracy index. Perhaps most importantly, the people of the world would elect representatives to a global parliament, whose purpose would be to hold the other international bodies to account.
I have also suggested some cruel and unusual means by which these proposals might be implemented. Poor nations, for example, now owe so much that they own, in effect, the world's financial systems. The threat of a sudden collective default on their debts unless they get what they want would concentrate the minds of even the most obdurate global powers.
You might regard this agenda as either excessive or insufficient, wildly optimistic or boringly unambitious. But it is not enough simply to reject it. Do so by all means, but only once you have first proposed a better one of your own. For until we have a programme behind which we can unite, we will neither present a viable threat to the current rulers of the world, nor seize the revolutionary moment which their miscalculation affords us. We cannot destroy the existing world order until we have a better one with which to replace it.


Can we add to, overthrow, redefine or agree on these ideas on global governance?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:17 / 22.06.03
I think it would be unfair to do that solely on the basis of the article, when the guy's just written a fairly lengthy book. So I guess I'll have to read it.

Captive State was a cracker, so that's cool with me.
02:45 / 23.06.03
I will speak against giving the U.N. general assembly great powers.

For the promotion of liberty, the United States constitution is one of the best legal documents in history. Its design is to prevent abuse of power by dividing the power amongst two legislative bodies, an executive, a judiciary, and yet again by dividing federal to state authorities.

They are designed to be at odds with each other, and they often seem to be. Despite loud disputes, they often show remarkable cooperation. For instance, the legislature has signed into law a war powers act that gives the president the right to deploy troops. This may be constitutional (it is so, officially), but we must wonder about why the legislature doesn't fight for more powers for themselves rather than less. In general, though, I will say that the division of powers system works fairly well. It has a significant effect.

Now the question is why we might need the general assembly to take the security council powers. This amounts to transferring weaponry from the nations to the U.N. and giving them authority to use that weaponry. The argument I have heard in favor of doing something like this is to prevent more powerful nations from attacking less powerful nations. The problem, then, is that some people have power over very powerful weaponry while others do not. The solution, then, is to take that very powerful weaponry away from the people who have it (U.S., Britain, etc.) and give it to other people (the U.N.) and hope they don't abuse it. We are to be assured that it will be a democratic U.N. (the general assembly will not be chosen as it is today), so there is no real reason to worry. They will keep us from fighting wars. If we are foolish enough to try to start a war, they will take appropriate measures (arrest, assassination, arming of troops against us).
02:49 / 23.06.03
Incidentally, I have not read the book, and I am afraid my reading pile is a bit stacked for a while. I must thank Nick for the extra efforts involved in reading the book, but I would be interested in his contributions to the discussion whether or not the additional research is taken on.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:11 / 23.06.03
Heh. Don't hold your breath, SMS - I don't own it yet, and when I do, I still have ludicrous amounts of work to do before I get into a new tome. Still, I'll get to it when I can.
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