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Are you David Nelson? What HAVE you done?

Not Here Still
16:24 / 17.06.03
I'm not entirely sure what David Nelson has done - indeed, who David Nelson is* - but he and people sharing his name are being sought at US airports.

Anyone know why and wants to tell the class? Or just wants to say 'Dude, that's screwed?'

Do it here.

More info here

*Bar the child star of Ozzie and Harriet - dunno what that is either, but it's mentioned in the piece...
Baz Auckland
16:37 / 17.06.03
I am David Nelson! You will never stop me! Muahahahah!
Not Here Still
16:59 / 17.06.03
Well I'm Not David Nelson, Again! You don't need to stop me, I'm already too slothful to go anywhere.

Why did this thread move? I can understand there are, quite frankly, major political ramifications to the whole idea that David Nelson and everyone with his name is being stopped, but really, I was expecting jokey postings, not major political dialogue.

Well, since the thread is in switchboard now:

Why the hell aren't the US government or the Airport Authorities saying any more about it than this? What threat does David Nelson pose? Are they sure he's not another Derek Bond (can't be arsed to piss about with links, Google News it...)?

Isn't pulling people in for questioning just because they have the name Derek Nelson really rather, well, scary?
Ethan Hawke
17:07 / 17.06.03

From the article:

Transportation Security Administration spokesman Nico Melendez said the problem was due to name-matching technology used by airlines, the Associated Press reported.
He said it was not the name itself but letters within the name which are identified by computer software and raise an alert.

That means:

Nina D. Solved

Neils Van Odd

Vlad D. Noise

Ann Evil Odds

and, most ominously,

Devil and Son

are perhaps up to no good.


someone must be able to do better than this!
Not Here Still
17:10 / 17.06.03
Well, yes - it seems David Nelson is the main recipient of flak, but as you point out - anyone with certain letter combinations could be in schtuck.

Interesting that two of the David Nelsons are actors, too...
23:33 / 17.06.03
Don't you be casting no aspersions at Vlad D Noise, pal!

I'm assuming that this means there are probably also OTHER combinations of OTHER letters which will get picked up, as I guess there's more than one person they don't want on their flights... this just seems silly.
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