Yeppers; in essence, there isn't a critical mass of desire for games, if by that you mean computer games, so threads on them tend to go into the relevant area - there was one on gender in computer games in the Head Shop, there is a "Which computer games are you playing" thread in the Conversation right now, and the design of games has been the subject of at least one thread in "art, fashion and design".
There was amove to have a new topic area on Games - role-playing games, primarily - a year or so ago, but Tom felt it would have unbalanced the board, and only a few people championed it, so it never happened. (Then one of them started a role-playing games thread in every forum, which was somewhat looked upon askance, but that's another story).
One could extend a spectacle forum to include them - most likely Film, TV and theatre, I suppose, but there hasn't really been the will to do it. |