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Donkeys, Foxes glacier mints, and half empty glasses.

09:43 / 16.06.03
Is your glass half full or half empty? Are you a pessimist or an optimist? Use this thread for your interesting examples. (N.B. People who quote Monty Python will just be embarrassing themselves.)

Here's mine:

A friend of mine went to Cyprus where there are lots of hungry, badly treated, overworked donkeys. Donkeys like minty things so she took several packets of Foxes glacier mints and fed one to every donkey she met. The donkeys ADORED them. So this is my example of my pessimism: I think it's heartbreakingly sad because now the donkeys know how lovely Foxes glacier mints are, but will never have another mint again. I could cry about this if I tried.

My friend on the other hand, thinks at least they got to taste them once and can dream about it for the rest of their lives.

Either that or she just enjoys torturing donkeys.
09:56 / 16.06.03
I'm more of a 'This glass is only half full, and it's a pretty small glass, in fact this must be somebody else's glass because mine would never never be half full of water, take it away and bring me a pint. Make that two.' person.
I am optimistic that my glass will be refilled, even if it's temporarily empty. Those lucky donkeys!
10:04 / 16.06.03
I have two glasses, and water is constantly being poured from one to the other in a way that is very disconcerting when trying to work out their relative fullness. I can always see the happy happy possibilities, but I can't always connect with them, basically.
10:13 / 16.06.03
I'm kind of one half of a dialectic glass. If whomever is closest to me at the time is being optimistic, I tend to be pessimistic, just to keep things on the ground. If said person is being terribly pessimistic, I get bright, cheerful, and optimistic to try and cheer him (it's usually a him) up. I imagine it's really annoying.
Cherry Bomb
10:35 / 16.06.03
Even if the glass is empty, I'm sure it's full...
Mr Messy
11:37 / 16.06.03
When I was at university a psychology lecturer tried to tell me about personality traits. He said that we are who we are, and thats pretty much it. You are stuck with yourself.
He made us take a ridiculous test which told me I was an introvert. The test said I would never go to parties. It said that if I did go then I'd sit in the corner. If I wasn't sitting in the corner then I'd be cleaning up ashtrays, stuffing myself at the buffet, or I'd have my tongue down someone else's throat, all to avoid having a conversation.
I do not like parties that much. I mean not the ones the test was on about. So, I've kind of lost the point to this story here.

I think my glass is half full, but its one of those opaque ones with a lid.
rizla mission
11:39 / 16.06.03
As a moderately wise man once said in order to make some song lyrics scan nicely;

what if you see the glass as being half full of nothingness?

huh? huh?
11:45 / 16.06.03
Then you're probably unsalvageable!
11:56 / 16.06.03
I'm on the outside of the glass, looking in...
14:03 / 16.06.03
As soon as even the tiniest amount has gone from the glass, I'm worrying where the next one's coming from.
Eloi Tsabaoth
14:07 / 16.06.03
Better to be outside the glass pissing into it than inside the glass pissing out of it.
Mourne Kransky
14:22 / 16.06.03
Sorry, I have no idea how much fluid is in the glass. I'm sure I'll find some somewhere if it empties, anyway. I'm actually too busy looking at my reflection in the quaintly distorted, blown Venetian glass to notice. Makes me look fat, this glass. Fat but curiously attractive nevertheless...
18:26 / 16.06.03
i am incredible at pointing out even a very small good in any situation. so much so, that it's kinda embarassing and i'll say, "well, at least now you don't have to paint the porch," after someone's house burns down, say, and then i'll sheepishly add, "pollyanna said." if i don't, then my pals do it for me: "way to be pollyanna!"
18:27 / 16.06.03
oh, btw, not that i necessarily give a shit about whatever small good there is to be had.
20:11 / 16.06.03
It depends on the situation:

If i took a glass, and poured water into it til half way up, it would be half full.

If i took a glass, filled it, then drank half of the water- THEN it would be half empty.

I believe this makes me a middle-ist.
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
05:48 / 17.06.03
read a dumb engineer joke: "the glass is clearly twice as big as it needs to be". (Hope that wasn't the monty python thing.)

I can pretty much make my glass as full or as empty as I want it to be, if I have a good reason. I guess that means I got a pitcher.
14:24 / 23.06.03
Most definitely a pessimist my latest fantasy/dream featuring Chris Meloni aka Keller from Oz aka bemuscled hunk turned sour and he left me for someone else. You see even my fantasies are pessimistic!!!!!
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