While it's not a dire emergency, Scott Shaw! of the essential Oddball Comics site has issued a plea for help in getting more viewers into his little weird corner of comic fun. One can't do much better then today's installment, which introduces us to the menace of the Composite Superman!

No word of a lie, The Composite Superman was one of my favourite oddball characters. I still have most of his appearances growing mold in my closet. This badass has the combined powers of the entire Legion of Superheroes. Too bad they never had anyone with the power of fashion sense on their team.
Believe it or not, Oddball Comics and it's message board have provided me with a great deal of research material for my blog. Not only does Mr. Shaw! showcase a wide variety of comics on his site, but he also includes interesting facts about the people behind their creation. There's even theme weeks like Strange Schwartz Stories, Little Archie, Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen, Even More Strange Schwartz Stories, Lois Lane's crotch, Cool, Hip and Groovy, Funny Animal Superheroes, and Comics About Cartoonists. And most of the month of April, 2001 was taken over by a wide range of guest hosts presenting their favourite oddball comics, including Coop, Stan Sakai, Paul Dini, and Mark Waid among others.
There's over three years of material available, so you'll never run out of hijinks. Here's a few of my faves.

Any comic where a superhero develops a giant head is worth buying.
Ant Heads on superheroes runs a close second.
Just one of many installments of my favourite series within a series, The War That Time Forgot.

Ooooh yeah!
Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane in I Am Curious, Black.
Pop Superstars featuring Butch Dykeman.
Krypto the Super-Dog gets a sex-change and gets has puppies.

Lana Lang as the Insect Queen, one of my all-time favourite comic characters. No, really.
If you're in the mood for some four-colour silliness, make sure you check it out. And please feel free to use this thread to mention your own favourite oddball comics.

'Nuff said... |