quote:Originally posted by sirius:
Let me tell you a true story: etc
Which bit is the true story? The fact that you saw all this happening (the alleged drug use) or that you tried to get the story into the papers, or both?
If it was a true story and no-one cared, then that is indeed pretty disgraceful, and I don't know of a UK paper that WOULDN'T run such a story if BACKED UP BY CAST IRON EVIDENCE that wasn't going to get the editor in the dock.
However, if you are one of the hundreds of cranks who wastes reporters' time with stupid, inane made-up bollocks, then tough shit. You didn't deserve to get any creedence.
If it is true, a friend of mine is a freelance journalist in New York who will bite your hand off for the story and the evidence. E-mail me privately and I'll put you in touch.
quote:Originally posted by sirius:
Why read one sided propaganda?
Good question. Why do you? I don't write it. I can't think, off the top of my head, of a journalist who does, apart from a few wankers on the Daily Mail, and they are largely columnists. You know the difference between a news report and an opinion column, presumably?
quote:What happened to reporters digging out the facts?
It still goes on around these parts. The competitive nature of newspapers, however, means that if several competing journalists are chasing the same story, they won't have the luxury of spending several months undercover bottoming it out. Sometimes you gotta go with what you've got, and do the follow-ups later. If you think we all sit on our arses waiting for faxes to come in from press offices, think again.
quote:Why not tell the whole truth?[/QB]
You can get a kind of piecemeal truth from reading different papers. If you're only going to read the Oregon Pigfucker, then you're never going to know the joys of fucking sheep. Read the right wing press, read the left wing press, read whatever the fuck else there is. Don't just read the spin on the story, read the quotes. They're rarely changed, although I grant they can be twisted. But you're not a moron, sirius, you can tell the difference.
quote:Surely you don't all sell your souls to get your jobs?
No more than my postman, who'd could have been a professional footballer, but has a kid to feed. No more than my colleague, who'd rather be a full-time poet, but has a mortgage to pay and an ex-wife to support. I didn't sell my soul, I knew exactly what I was getting into, and that was to inform, entertain and serve the public good, whether you like that or not.
quote:I'll grant that many reporters honestly try to get the whole story, only to have the editors cut half of it out and turn comprehensive reporting into half truths.
But why? Why would they? Editors are people like me and JB Again who've just been in the job longer. They're journalists.
quote:Who goes to work determined to piss off the boss and lose his job?[/QB]
Some mad fucker, presumably. Not me. But that doesn't mean I walk in, hang my morals on the hatstand, and say: "So which lie are we propagating today, chief?"
I mean, no-one would believe that could happen, would they?
quote:Is that why the press is so "johnnie one note" with editorializing included
in news articles? Impress management with your zeal and dedication.[/QB]
I honestly don't believe the press is "johnnie one note". Read the Guardian and the Mail. I do impress management with my zeal and dedication, but not how you think. I do it with my zeal and dedication for being a good fucking journalist. I wish I could describe the sweet feeling you get when you nail some corrupt fucker to the wall in public.
quote:How do you suggest we learn to recognize when half truths are presented?
How do you propose to get the truth past management and yet keep your job?[/QB]
Why do you think there's a deliberate aim to present half truths? Who benefits? Why do you think "management" (who are these shadowy figures, anyway?) seek to subjugate the truth. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it isn't happening to the level you think. Sorry.
I think I covered most of it there. I appreciate liberal people will always think the press is oppressive and hiding the truth, and I'm not going to change it. But by going in with that attitude every time you open up a newspaper, you're not really going to learn anything, are you?
Right, I'm off to do something less taxing in the Conversation. |