hhmm, I'm not convinced by Dark Water. So many friends had banged on to me about the brilliance of Ring that I was pretty excited about checking out Nataka's latest on the big screen. Expectations were high for a truly scary, intelligent and stylish horror, unfortunately this was not to be. Sure, it's a cut above the usual pap churned out by Hollywood but it didn't chill me to the bone or have me gripping the edge of my seat. It should have worked... the production design stands out...the grey, foreboding, concrete housing project, the constant rain and water imagery, even nicking the 'Don't Look Now' little-eerie-girl-in-mackintosh moments work, however, the plot is so obvious and signposted that it takes away from the look and feel of the film. The potentially spine-chilling moments are diminshed and it doesn't help when one of your main characters is as wet & annoying as having a kipper slapped in your face. I'm obviously the exception to the rule though as every review I've seen over the weekend praises it to the hilt and heralds it as a masterpiece of suspense and true horror. Am I alone in hoping for a piece of cinema that is genuinely chilling? Give me The Vanishing (original) any day.
I'm hoping that Dolls by Takeshi will blow this one out of the water (excuse the pun). Hana Bi was excellent. It was visually brilliant, creating luscious landscapes as a backdrop to sweet and tender emotions. Takeshi rates as one of the best directors around. For me his films encompass violence and love, notions of friendship and familial bonds, beauty and art, comedy and death. Pretty much the whole shebang...So hopes are high for a sumptious feast on Dolls. I'll keep you posted... |