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Surprise, surprise immigrant roundup after 9/11 had "significant problems"

00:58 / 09.06.03
I don't know if everyone else saw this already, but in case I wasn't the only one to miss the chance to feel uselessly vindicated in my complaints.

The inspector general of the DOJ released a report criticizing both the roundup methods and the treatment of prisoners.
NY Times articles:


And for those with lots and lots of time to be angry the full DOJ report:

Oh, and of course our hero Ashcroft hasn't let this take any of the steam out of his campaign to make the PATRIOT Act permanent. For any other Americans out there, please write your representatives to remind them that there are constituents who would support them in denying PATRIOT II to try to salvage some of our civil liberties. I'm still going through the motions and pretending that this is a democracy in which my opinions matter.
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