i love living in chicago. it's the best! the only thing is, it does sleep. but there's 24 hr. diners and bowling alleys.
failing chicago, i'd like to live in washington, d.c. but i'm prejudiced against towns where the train stops running; i didn't like that about toronto even tho' toronto's nice.
whomever said they were feeling l.a. cos of francesca lia block--fuckin' a. but i've been there a *bunch* of times and it's soo fake! and everyone is thin, tan, and in The Business, and it makes me go bleaack. i like to visit, tho.
i like to visit nyc, too, but to live there, it would just be too much for me. too many people, too expensive, too much craziness and pretension. chicago has everything a big city needs w/o being too much.
oh, and sometimes i really miss detroit. but it needs public transit in a big way. |