Raw Norton:my point is that when you eschew one category of toxins, some greater form of asceticism become gradually more attractive
Which seems to be a neat summation of my thought processes vis a vis this straight edge business at the moment. I mean I'm not vegan, and I quite like meat, but this being a kind of high-protein diet I'm on @ the mo I've been eating so much bloody meat I've actually managed to put myself off it, which is quite amazing (for me). So by some definitions of 'str8 edge' (as I believe some of its younger adherents humourously call it) I'm a total flesh-eating pussy hypocrite who claims to be nice but doesn't care about all the widdle animals. Then again, there are vegans who eat refined sugar, so in my scheme of things...
The point, I think, is that there is - especially for a guy such as myself, who tends toward extremes - a kind of attraction in being self-denying to the most extreme point possible. It's kind of like Ignatius Loyola, the guy who founded the Jesuits, who used to be a kind of brawling cavalier, then found God after being injured by a cannonball, and set about devising his own mystical system - in exactly the way a brawling cavalier would. So it had to be a really intense, OTT kind of mysticism, or he wasn't interested. Calm non-attachment to reality a la Buddha wasn't his thing.
Having said that, this is just one aspect of my memeplex, of course, and I'm sure that in a year's time I'll be on here complaining about having a dreadful hangover. Again. |