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Premptive strike on DSEI Protest?

The Mr E suprise
08:39 / 10.09.01

by Democracy my arse 2:13am Fri Sep 7 '01

At approximately 8.30 this morning two squats, attended by bailiffs, have been raided by police.
The borough squat, corner of Gt Dover St and Globe St. Which has a lot of tat their and was being used as an art workshop. The other squat at 126 Tooley st has seen 3 arrests. Police are not letting the people get their personal items, which is something that the bailiffs do normally.

The police have also according to eye witnesses started to smash up props which were to be used in the DSEI (Arms trade) protest on Tuesday.

An eviction order was served on the squats last week, however one of the people who had squatted the place had rung the bailiffs on Wednesday reported the bailiffs as saying they hadn’t even processed the papers yet.

The squats have been the attention of surveillance all week, including the Forward Intelligence Team. It seems the police have hurried through the procedure and to be an attempt to sabotage the protest taking place on Tuesday.

Bill Posters
15:18 / 10.09.01
Only the rather obvious one that, as someone's said on the Indymedia site, an anti-arms demo is quite unlikely to involve use of chemical weapons by demonstrators! (And since when have bottles of peepee counted as a chemical munition anyhoo?!) That said, if there is any spiky behaviour, the mainstream media will have a field day. 'Antimilitary Demonstrators Militate Against Arms Giants' anyone? Ahhh ... the postmodern irony of it all...
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