On the topic of proxies, the SuperScout software is usually set up to monitor the traffic on the proxy server used by all employees that access the web. As a last ditch effort, you could try unchecking "access the internet using a proxy" in your browser's preferences, or try adding "*.*.*.*" to the list of IP address that are accessed without the proxy. Unfortunately, unless the info security people at your workplace do a really half-assed job, it is unlikely that either of these things will work.
If you do trade sexual favors with a geek, see if there's a proxy without SuperScout that they'll let you use. It's the kind of thing that might be frowned on even more than just constantly looking for new anonymizers / webmail sites to use (even if you're not going to be going to work un-friendly sites, IT managers get very uptight about the possibility of viruses being introduced to the network). |