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Tales from the Drunk Tank

—| x |—
07:55 / 04.06.03
Hi there. In the thread on The Moon, I mentioned an old friend of mine in passing, Lawrence. This got me to thinking about him, which I haven’t in quite awhile. Anyway, it brought to mind an evening that he and I went to jail. Now I promise to tell this tale soon, but in the meantime I thought it might be fun to relate stories of evenings spent in jail due to being intoxicated or not and running into the Police which results in unfriendly shenanigans and you and perhaps people you know end up spending the night in jail.

Let’s hear your

Tale from the Drunk Tank!
waxy dan
08:48 / 04.06.03
I remember a mate of mine and myself really really trying to get arrested once on absinthe. Running up and down the street and circling cops making whooping sounds.

But I think they just thought we were just a bit silly really. Which was fair.
08:55 / 04.06.03
I've spent the night in the cells for drunk and disorderly, on more than one occasion. It's not really very good actually.
No star here laces
09:08 / 04.06.03
Unlike the sleeper train, being in the cells is much better if you're sharing...

My top tip - take your socks off, roll 'em into a ball and play football. Also, make the bit of paper with your rights on it into a paper plane. Between these two you can stave off crushing boredom for at least 15 minutes...
17:53 / 19.09.03
I guess we'll never hear this tale. Too bad.

I have a sense of intuition and my psychic network has rung me up to tell me that it was an anti-authority thing.

I get the sense that you are not affraid to stand up to the police.
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