Oh, I dunno...I mean, I know it's cool to dislike a movie that will so clearly appeal to fanboys, but I gotta say, I really enjoyed this movie. All the things that made me grind my teeth about things like Spider-Man, the first Blade, Daredevil (God help us all) and, even, to a degree, the X-Men movies, which I basically liked -- i.e., some painful acting, *hideous* dialogue, crappy "epiphanic" moments that underscore why sitcom writers refer to such "I learned something today" scenes as "the moment of shit," and just way too much fucking Angst -- none of that was in evidence here at all. To completely sound like an eight-year-old, I think my biggest complaint was the squandered potential for lots and lots of different-looking creatures (as opposed to, like, the SAME slimy, tentacular, perpetually-undying creature over and over again). Hell, I didn't even mind the relatively swift resolution of the plot...personally, I don't find anything at all cathartic about the twenty-minute climactic fight scene that seems to have become the order of the day for these movies (I find them kinda boring and annoying, actually), and was glad to see such a scene sidestepped here.
I guess a lot of it comes down to what you really expected to see when you entered the theater. I laughed a lot, I thought Perlman was great, the visual ideas were fresh, and it was wonderfully, completely devoid of pretension. I also should let be known that I think there needs to be an immediate moratorium on comic book movies -- superhero comic book movies, anyway -- but if they're gonna make them anyway, I'd rather that more of them displayed this kind of purity. I don't think that, at any point, del Toro felt that he was being called upon to "elevate" the subject matter to the level of Art, make Hellboy a relevant social metaphor for our times, or whatever. I think he just wanted to make a good movie for ten-year-olds. |