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Jesus was gay

14:55 / 29.05.03
Oh yes.

Taunt a fundamentalist today.
14:57 / 29.05.03
And with no sense of irony whatsoever:

An Anglican and a qualified reader of astrological charts, Dr McCleary said the planet Uranus figured prominently in Jesus's astrological chart, as it did with many gays.
17:15 / 29.05.03
i want a bumper sticker, or maybe one of those Jesus fish humping another Jesus fish.
19:36 / 29.05.03
Dizfactor's that's brilliant. I drew a little sketch of just that after reading your post and it's pretty damn funny.
—| x |—
22:28 / 29.05.03
Obviously. So gay. Gay as a day in May. He smoked his share of fags. As you sow so shall you reap. Love thy neighbour. Do not covet thy neighbour's ass. Turn the other cheek. Love thy Father. The way to the Kingdom is through me. And so on.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
01:56 / 30.05.03
Hahaha, I wish this was a little more likely. Astrology proves that Jesus was Gay! National Enquirer much?
Rev. Orr
02:07 / 30.05.03
Stop press: tyromancy proves the Pope is Catholic and a close inspection of ursine stools from forested Canada should produce results any day now.
04:32 / 30.05.03
It would answer that father, why have you forsaken me question. I guess some parents will never deal with it well.
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