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Deck of Weasels

Chubby P
10:04 / 21.05.03
I'm surprised there hasn't been any mention of this on the site or did I miss it? See below:

The Pentagon’s Deck of Death was a huge hit with Americans. Now is raising the ante – with the Deck of Weasels, depicting the 54 worst leaders and celebs who opposed America and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Find out which congressman disparaged U.S. troops as baby killers, which lily-white Hollywood has-been lied that President Bush was declaring war on all non-whites, and which rock star raged, “We [expletive] deserve to get bombed. Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win!"

Is this freedom of speech or trying to surpress freedom of speech? Or a bit of both? Will singling out famous people who spoke out against the Iraq War and branding them as traitors deter such celebreties from making anti government statements in the future? Will it affect there careers?
Chubby P
10:06 / 21.05.03
If you go to the newsmaxstore link in my above post and click on 'Deck of Weasels' then you can see the details of each card.
Kit-Cat Club
10:30 / 21.05.03
Kim Jong-Il counts as a weasel?

Doesn't this show (more than anything else?) the bizarre conflation in this war of political opinion with celebrity opinion? Putting leaders like Putin, Chirac, Kofi Annan et al in the same basket as George Clooney and Jessica Lange seems to me to be trivialising non-'coalition' (or, more pertinently, non-American) statesmen by showing them as being as irrelevant as actors and 'liberal' media people. I'm grasping after something which this seems to be saying about the way that some American politicians and right-wing media view the rest of the world - as a trivial distraction from the main game.
10:53 / 21.05.03
Cat's right. I find the whole equivalence between the opinions of entertainers and those of leaders kind of... weird.

Don't get me wrong... I'm in full support of people who use their position within the media to make a point. I also, however, make a point of buying the NME when there's a war on, just because articles beginning "Damon from Blur has spoken out against..." always make me laugh.

As the (surely soon to be sainted) John Peel once said, "just because someone's particularly good at playing, say, the bass guitar, does that mean their opinion is particularly well-informed?"

Yes, I know I've not really got the issue right. I'll try again later.
10:55 / 21.05.03
I also object to the "coalition"'s co-opting of the word "weasel".

Weasels are ace.
12:18 / 21.05.03
Strangely enough, if you read the quotes that they've picked for these cards, they're all rather flattering to the anti-war camp. Take, for example:

Susan Sarandon
Cloaked in patriotism and our doctrine of spreading democracy throughout the world, our fundamentalism is business, the unfettered spread of our economic interests throughout the globe. Our resistence to this war should be the resistence to profit at the cost of human life"

This hardly sounds like the "Pro-Saddam" ranting that these are being sold as- rather some well reasoned and erudite anti-war commentry. If I was making a similar set of cards about pro-war supports, personally I would have chosen the least logical, least well written, least convincing, most absurd statements. After all, it is supposed to be propaganda. Which raises some interesting questions-

Are the opposing sides so far apart that they can't even find the illogical arguments worthy of ridicule amongst their opposition's remarks? Is there such a lack of common ground that they can't work out which statements might have more worth than others?

Or are the two sides so opposed that even the opposition's best argument and erudite statements are worthy of ridicule?
13:50 / 21.05.03
The hawks are realy disturbing. When Clinton was in power, they spoke about "rule of law", "contitutional law" and military concepts such as "exit strategy" and "no nation building". But now that their boy is in power they forgot all that.

The simple distinction is this. Bush supporters dont care about anything but Bush and his power. Even though they may have said the asme things about Clinton, those statements are now un-american when said about Bush, Emperor of the Holy American Empire.

Tryphena Absent
14:47 / 21.05.03
(I was so sure this had been posted by Stoatie that I knew it couldn't have been.)
14:52 / 21.05.03
Is this freedom of speech or trying to surpress freedom of speech? Or a bit of both?

It might be safe to say that a suppression of the freedom of speech is uniquely a crime for governments and organizations authorized to excercise punishment not allowed to individuals. If I put you in jail, it is assault and abduction. If I tax you, it is armed robbery.

It is possible that one or more of the quotations on the deck is fabricated, in which case the crime is slander.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
15:10 / 21.05.03
It's resoundingly odious, I know that.
William Sack
15:35 / 21.05.03
Is Nelson Mandela a significant omission or an oversight?
We're The Great Old Ones Now
20:30 / 21.05.03
As an ex officio member of the England Football team, he has been granted clemency.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:53 / 21.05.03
This is just surreal. Kim Jong-Il and Harry Belafonte? Not two names you'd automatically connect.

I thought Chrissie Hynde looked quite cute in that hat, tho'.
Morlock - groupie for hire
15:57 / 22.05.03
The attitude seems to be one of:"We had a fight in the end, so it must have been justified." Now, I'm well aware that history is written by the victors, but not this blatantly, surely?

Oh, and there's a Deck of Heroes as well (not a very useful link, sorry), which is even more nauseating.
17:45 / 22.05.03
And Texas Republicans issued a similar deck for the 50-odd legislators ("Killer Bees") who fled the statehouse rather than see Tom DeLay redistrict their state out from under them. Nobody can accuse the Republicans of leaving a joke un-milked. As David N. Meyer III, one time Pope of All New York said, if you don't have a sense of humor, don't try to be funny.
20:45 / 22.05.03
This is curious - I've looked at a few of the cards and they seem to be fairly reasonable, not particularly anti-Bush or pro-Saddam. Janeane Garofalo on the Dixie Chicks burnings (a great way for very, very stupid people to meet up) seemed a comment neither on the war nor Bush, not to mention Saddam - just on the sort of people who burn Dixie Chicks records.

Which is maybe the thing - they (and, it seems increasingly the case, a decent chunk of the American Right) are assuming a monolithic block of opinion - that is, if you don't approve of burning Dixie Chicks albums, you also support the regime of Saddam Hussein. It's kinda kinky...
00:48 / 23.05.03
I think I could respect those on this deck more if they would have the balls, or ovaries, to stand behind what they said. The Dixie Chicks made a damn good statment. Not one of overwhelming liberalism or something that could be attacked in depth. A simple "we are embarased to be from the same state as the president" No name calling, nothing even remotely actionable. However they aplogised after they got heat, and thats what makes me sick of these entertainer types. They need to stick to their words instead of backing down at the first hint of disagreement. Dont they know that the apology is useless.

01:17 / 23.05.03
On the bright side, I think Basher al Assad is still sticking to his guns...
Baz Auckland
17:36 / 29.05.03
Just for balance: The Chickenhawk Deck
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