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Newsflash: Ari Fleischer quits.

14:51 / 19.05.03
The mouthpiece for the Bush administration has handed in his resignation.

"He had a conversation about it with the president late last week, and he told senior staff first thing this morning," said one senior administration official, who requested anonymity.

"Yes he's leaving, I think in July," said another official, who likewise asked not to be named.

Fleischer joined the former Texas governor's virtually hermetic press operation during the 2000 White House race after serving as spokesperson for also-ran Republican Elizabeth Dole.

I can't figure out why. Maybe it's an election year thing.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, he's going to "enter the private sector."

Fleischer clashed at times with the White House press corps and had an uneasy relationship with some senior Bush aides, but he said the departure was his idea. He notified Bush of his decision Friday. The president ended the conversation "by kissing me on the head," the spokesman said.

Fleischer, 42, got married six months ago. He said that after 21 years in government he wanted to go on the speaking circuit and maybe do some writing. With Bush beginning his re-election campaign, Fleischer said this is the time to leave the White House "or sign on for the full four years."

"I've just been thinking about what I want to do, when I want to do it," he said. "I believe deeply in this president, his policies and the man. But there comes a time in public service when you have to decide when it's time to go."
Matthew Fluxington
15:09 / 19.05.03
Weird. I'm totally shocked by this.
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:31 / 19.05.03
I think that it is because he was just tired of the job. One fo the dleights I have is watching him spar with Helen Thomas, but for the most part, it's pretty easy to see that since he got married 6 months ago, he hasn't cared for his job as much. As much as I dislike what he says, he DOES believe he is working for the right side.

There are rumblings that he was being asked to leave to try and distance the White House from some of their more outrageous lies, and I can see that...but the other thing to remember is that he is going to make an obscene amount of money on the rubber chicken Neo-Con speaking circuit.
15:46 / 19.05.03
I knew it....

Soon Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf will reappear, and him and Ari will co-host a sunday morning pundit show.

Or a sitcom.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
16:29 / 19.05.03
Bush kissed him on the head?

Is there a photo?

Does anyone else have a strong feeling that's a quasi-religious gesture?

Does W. think he's Pope now?
17:11 / 19.05.03
He either thinks he's the pope or jesus, niether would suprise me at this time in history, maybe someday the tapes will be revealed and he'll be exposed as some religious crazy, long after he's dead I'm sure. I can't believe Fleischer quit, and I haven't the slightest idea why he would do so, but maybe he's trying to distance himself from a ticking time bomb.
17:13 / 19.05.03
Ah well. Tony, on the other hand, kisses W's ring...
17:34 / 19.05.03
Bloody hell. I'm sure it must be exhausting spinning at quite that RPM, but I would have thought he could have just taken a breather.

That might mean of course that we're in for the long haul in propaganda terms, and they need a fresh new face. No surrender in the War On Truth! Massive continuous bombardment of lies! Shock and awe as to how blatant things can be!
8===>Q: alyn
19:44 / 19.05.03
You guys are so cynical. I think Fleischer quit because he's tired of being under constant attack when he could make a zillion dollars on the Talking Head circuit, and I think Bush kissed him because they've been through a lot together. They're assholes, but they're not cartoon assholes.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
22:52 / 19.05.03
A Texas Oilman Born-Again Christian Republican kisses his spokesman on the top of his head and you're quite content to see it as a pure gesture of friendship?

Do you see Bush randomly kissing Colin Powell? Does he greet Rummy with a smacker on the forehead?

Who else kisses on top of the head as a way of expressing feeling? Parents, yes, and religious and moral leaders. Anyone else?
8===>Q: alyn
23:19 / 19.05.03
Powell & Rumsfeld are political allies, but I don't recall them working on his campaign, touring the country with him, etc. Yes, it's kind of paternal, but Bush was Fleischer's Glorious Leader. I don't imagine the other two have that relationship with him. Why is it so hard to believe that these assholes are capable of forming emotional attachments? Or are you having me on?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
23:28 / 19.05.03
Actually, from what I have read, Rumsfeld and Powell are political rivals with two vastly different agendas.

And Powell would only show up at political events if Bush was not pushing his hard right agenda, and would only be there if given a copy fo the speech ahead of time so as not to be seen endorcing ideas he didn't agree with.
8===>Q: alyn
23:51 / 19.05.03
Sorry, Rose, I was unclear. I meant they are "allies" of Bush, meaning they agreed to work for him, but didn't have the same campaign front-line, male bonding relationship with him as Fleischer.
We're The Great Old Ones Now
08:49 / 20.05.03
Male bonding? Kissing on forehead?

It's not important. I just think my interpretation is at least as likely as yours.
Cat Chant
11:25 / 20.05.03
Why is it so hard to believe that these assholes are capable of forming emotional attachments?

The way I understand Nick's point, Qalyn, is not that W's kiss on the head does not stem from an emotional attachment, but that the way he has chosen to express that emotional attachment is through a gesture which has a specific set of associations (religious leader, parent, etc, as Nick lists) - he could equally well have chosen to give him an affectionate swat on the backside/punch in the arm/hug/one of those handshakes boys do where they grab each other's elbows in both hands and stare intensely into each other's eyes/kiss on the mouth (maybe not) - so what does it say about the way that W is experiencing or representing his relationship with Fleischer that he chose a kiss on the top of the head?

Be all which as it may, I can't tell you how pleased I am that this thread has very quickly become a discussion of the semiology & cultural significance of physical expressions of m-m closeness.
12:10 / 20.05.03
one of those handshakes boys do where they grab each other's elbows in both hands and stare intensely into each other's eyes/kiss on the mouth

Slash...used for evil.

I think there may also be a cultural distance here. After all, codes of familiarity vary from country to country - vide the Australian Prime Minister's friendly hand on the Queen's bottom some years ago and the fuss that caused. Likewise, as far as I can tell, codes for friendly valediction seem to be a lot looser in the US.

What is interesting, though, is that the kiss on the forehead seems a terribly Catholic thing for a hardcore Protestant to be giving to a Jewish friend...
We're The Great Old Ones Now
13:12 / 20.05.03
Just spoke to a friend who just had dinner with a guy who knows Fleischer, who maintains the resignation was about family, and the kiss was a sign of deep friendship.

And thank God for Deva. Maybe I should hire you to follow me around and explain my more obscure outbursts on a regular basis. Someone's got to.
The Tower Always Falls
16:51 / 24.05.03
In a weird way, it's too bad. The press here were finally beginning to realize he was sleaze. I can't find the link anymore, but rumor has it that Karl Rowe and company has asked all memebers of the administration who aren't 100% committed to another term in office to back out now, so that they can gear up for the elections at full strength. The Environmental director resigned before Ari, and a few more minor cabinet members are sure to go soon...
The Tower Always Falls
17:02 / 24.05.03
Here's a link about Whitman the ex-EPA administrator
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