The first "proper" X-Men cartoon, featuring the older X-Men and cleaving largely to a form of Lobdell-era continuity (Apocalypse, Sinister, Bishop, Cable, Phoenix in the ludicrous beige outfit, that sort of thing) was, on reflection, an enormous pile of shit. Ludicrous scripts, shitty shitty voice acting and an inordinately complex continuity squeezed into too little time.
Conversely, I've recently discovered X-Men Evolution, which is definitely helping me to assuage the pangs of Buffy falling off so badly. It's based around a "best of" character set (Cyclops, Phoenix, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Storm, Shadowcat, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine and Prof.X, with unnecessary new character Spyke, who is Marrow with a skateboard), and the action centres on high school - so, the characters are about 16-18, with Storm, Wolverine and latterly Beast as teachers.
It's been on Brit TV, apparently, but at the usual silly times - I caught it in Boston. Is it still on? Is it still any cop? And are there any other top cartoons we should be keeping an eye out for? |