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21:11 / 16.05.03
Maybe I'm simply being too much of a slacker today and have too much time on my hands, but the last post I made to the Lunar Eclipse thread was at 00:00, and, well, I kinda' like that and simply wanted to point it out. Thank you.
—| x |—
03:00 / 22.05.03
666th post! Hooray!

And this, I suppose, is my 667th. The first fact is much more interesting than this second fact--well, to me anyway.

Thank you.
Nietzsch E. Coyote
04:23 / 22.05.03
I saw the thread title and I thought for a moment that you were posting one of my clever pm's

How are you doing now?
How does one find out the post number?
Will Batman escape this nefarious trap?

tune in next episode,
same bat time!
same bat channel!
—| x |—
07:20 / 22.05.03

First, I am fine, thank you.
Second, your current number of posts appears in your profile when you're here. I happended to notice that mine said 666, and then by comparing the time code of the last couple of things I'd posted, I figured it was that post.
Third, of course--he's Batman, damn it!

—| x |—
03:45 / 23.05.03
I think this is turning into some strange—perhaps moderately unhealthy—numerical meta-board interaction obsession. Becha’ that one’s not in the DMV IV!

After I made my latest contribution to “thread killah!” there was 290 replies, and mine had been made at 06:00 23.05.03. So really this is all kinda’ neat when you’ve a little fun with the numbers—besides, it often grabs my attention when posts are put up on the hour mark.

So, in the first place 290 adds to 11, and for those who lean that way 11 is a number of magick, magician’s, etc, so, it’s kinda’ a nice number.

And of course 6 is associated with The Lovers and Tiphareth (also, for an even more obscure interpretation, but more common to the senses, notice there are six spatial directions: +/-x, +/- y, +/- z). Then there is a clear and distinct 23, always a nice little reminder. 5, well, The Hierophant, pentagram, and humankind. Then a 3, for The Empress, triangles, space, synthesis, and abundance.

So, you know, it’s a bunch a nice lookin’ numbers all comin’ up at once. Of course, you realize that I am absolutely insane, right? But, 06:00 23. 05. 03 can be added, 6+2+3+5+3= 19 and it just so happens that it was also my 685th post, 6+8+5 = 19, and 19 is associated with The Sun.

Thus, from my own self reference I end up with the Sun, and with my reference to the rest of this lovely community I end up with a number closely linked to magick. Again, I can only say thank you. This Litherland can truly be a magnificent and enchanting place.

I hope that all the participants in this community can experience moments of abundance, love, positive synchronicities, and the Sun’s shine in their lives. It is all for one and one for all!
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10:24 / 30.05.03
—| x |—
03:16 / 06.06.03
The first thing that caught my eye about this post was that it was posted at 05:55 06.06.03. So, of course, I had to look further into that because I’m crazy, right? It turns out that it was it was my 841st post and the 149th message to that thread: 841149—kinda’ neat. Unfortunately, this post fell 1 shy of making The Conversation contain 67676 messages, but, on the other hand, there are currently 2714 threads there: 2714841149. And 2+7+1+4+8+4+1+1+4+9 = 41. Oh, did I mention that I was insane?
—| x |—
05:55 / 07.06.03
This post was my 848th message: note that it was logged at 08:48.
Tryphena Absent
06:50 / 07.06.03
Hel-lo. This is like totally rude. You can't just put a load of stupid math shit in conversation and just like leave it there. I think you should totally delete this shit now or turn in to a conversation on how fucking early I'm awake. Btw I think your name is shit and who gives a fuck about your satanic reference anyway? I mean it's like really old fashioned and totally 14. Do you walk around with a boring upside down pentacle round your neck or just some trash chaos symbol that you don't actually understand the meaning of? Listen to Marilyn Manson who's so 8 years ago? Jeezus, even my parents know that! Do you like every do any ritual magick or just spout this shit so I can wake up at 9am in the fucking morning and textually attack you because I feel so lame?

Also you're a big gay al type character.
—| x |—
07:12 / 07.06.03
Whoa. Are you kidding me? 'Cause if you are, then see the abstract, and if you're not, then see the abstract.

09:40 / 07.06.03
What I like about this thread, conversely, is that, ina very numerological and very textured sense, it's basically snarfing, which is something you can't really do on Barbelith, because it doens't keep track of the absolute post numbers.

Ah, nostalgia for the old days. 300 baud modems. Jumpers for goalposts.
—| x |—
09:55 / 07.06.03

10:21 / 07.06.03
Snarfing was an old BBS thing - they kept a running count of how many posts had been sent to the BBS in question, and whenever an evocative post number started approaching, people competed to be the person who got to post. So, our "hey, this in my 1000th post" things are solipsistic versions of what in the olden days was a communal and competitive process. Popular numbers were "click-overs" - 1000, 10000, 100000 - "straight flushes" - 1234, 3456 - palindromes - 101, 404 - and so on, and there were rules about how many one-word posts you could make in a row in an attempt to catch the snarf.

The hunting of the snarf is of course not to be confused with the hunting of the snark.
Bill Posters
10:44 / 07.06.03
those long winter evenings must have just flown by...
10:48 / 07.06.03
...said Bill, contemptuously dismissing the passtimes of a former generation of netnerds, as another hundred terabytes of pornography flowed through the Internet.
Bill Posters
10:53 / 07.06.03
hell, i call it progress.
Tryphena Absent
10:58 / 07.06.03
—| x |—
18:01 / 07.06.03
Well shit, who knew?--not me anyway. I used to do a little of the old BBS action--but not having access to my own machine made it difficult to do regularly. Played some text games and a long, long time ago participated briefly in a BBS community. Never was into it enough to hear about "snarfing" though--thanks for the new knowledge!

With respect to this thread, what often catches my eye is not my own post count, but the time that the message is logged. It is once this has caught my eye that I'll check to see what message number of mine it was. It's all rather spontaneous and really not so anticipatory: I don't sit around waiting for such and such a number to come up; rather, I simply seem to notice when they do!
—| x |—
20:25 / 07.06.03
As well, merely to note this, this isn't necessarily all about the patterns of numbers of my posting experiences--others are more than welcome to obsess a little about pattern recognition regarding their posting experiences here as well!
—| x |—
20:39 / 11.06.03
—| x |—
08:39 / 19.06.03
So, what caught my eye about Nick’s post is that it was logged at 11:11 19.06. I like the “eleven-eleven” (which = 22: # of Major Arcana). Altogether it adds to 20 (which, perhaps ironically, is Judgement): resurrection and rebirth. Reduced to 2 we see the number of binaries and opposition—the number of mysteries.

So my post follows Nick’s at 11:23 19.06. Again, to me “eleven-twenty-three” is certainly a pleasant sounding series. Something somewhat personally interesting to me is that bit adds to 7 (the Chariot)—a synchronicity for me of sorts. Altogether it adds to 23. This post was also my 945th message logged to Barbelith. Adds to 18 (the Moon), reduces to nine (the Hermit), and 3^2 = 9.

Thanks for reading.
—| x |—
04:47 / 20.06.03
OH MY GOD! The member number is currently at 2221 and I am fighting the urge to sign up and become #2222. (I won't, but I really, really want to--I'm sure some might understand).
—| x |—
02:16 / 22.06.03
While I was checking out the Conversation “The Entrance Exam” thread reported that the last logged post was at 04:44 22.06.2003. This of course caught my eye immediately because not only is 444 a neat little triple it also has some degree of personal significance to me. So I check out the post (written by Orr) to see perhaps the best question that could be put on this fictional “entrance exam.” Cheers!
—| x |—
06:30 / 25.06.03
09:23: all things considered with respect to the (soon to be) former thread, “How’s the Weather?” this is an interesting and entertaining number to come up—cosmic switchboard connect my call!

And this, ofcoursecouldithavehappendedanyotherway, the 23rd post to "Hey!"!

Thanks for coming out...
—| x |—
05:58 / 28.06.03
A rather uneventful 999.
—| x |—
08:19 / 01.07.03
Geez, I hit 11:11 on Canada Day—how cool is that?

I see video gambling in my future...
—| x |—
00:37 / 03.07.03
3:33: Choronzon, the back half of the beast, rears its behind—a “connection to the Infinite”—very appropriate!
—| x |—
10:18 / 12.07.03
13:13: will Lurid and I ever get along, or will Lurid keep antagonizing me, trying to pick fights with me, and keep maintaining this "vendetta" against me that he seems unable to see that he has. Tune in next week...

13:13: Death & Death. Let it go, man! Transformation for me and you, eh?
—| x |—
00:47 / 25.07.03
The coolest fridgemagnet in the world hits a 2:22 and probably doesn't even care!

—| x |—
05:47 / 26.07.03
08:28 26.07.03

I guess the ‘8:28’ caught my eye, but of course, that set me to thinking and letting it flow on the go, you know? So I’m looking at the 2 flanked by the 8s and I’m thinking of the High Priestess sandwiched between Strength, and I’m thinking—how does this relate to names? Well, the HP is the lovely lady who holds the Law—what is written, and if we learn how to write something sooner rather than later, well, we learn how to write our names. Moreover, it is the name that we have legally that follows us around all our lives and is attached to a set of numbers: social insurance, bank account, police records, etc.. So, the written word of the Law is binding upon us in the same way that our written name is binding upon us. In a sense, this gives us Strength: we formulate our identity based around our name as it is what we are called by throughout most interactions over the course of our lives—our names are cocoons of strength, power, energy, and etc..

Moreover, if we add 8, 2, & 8, we get the Moon—hints at the illusion of power that words actually have: the menu is not the meal. Put differently: we are not our names, but something beyond what is named—something reflected qua our various names, but never entirely represented our even realized.

Of course, 18 reduces down to 9, and we see how the Hermit emerges from the swatches of patterns named but still unknown: every name is the same name. Note how this is reinforced: 8 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 6 + 7 + 3 = 36, which goes to 9.

Notice also that it is the 26th today, and we here in the West formulate our names with combinations of letters from a set of twenty-six markings.
—| x |—
13:29 / 16.08.03
16:16 16.08

So 3 * 16 + 8, eh? Three towers to fall under the strength of one? Of course, everbody knows that the forces that destroy the Tower aren't anything more than our own powers unleashed unrecognized (but try telling that to the USA)! Add it all up and it goes 56, ‘Abrahadbra’ as the union of 5 & 6. Add again, get 11. Two Ones standing together: Justice for all, in the end. The magic/k of the power of 1 standing in it’s own reflection. We all need a mirror, after all.
—| x |—
02:27 / 14.09.03
04:44 14.09.2003:

Haus hits my number in the thread where we look at Haus’ character and some of his behaviours! What are the odds?!?!?! The cosmic switchboard does indeed have a sense of humour!

10:33 / 14.09.03
I have this image of mod 0 waiting for a bus of the number 76 bus for not going in the right direction because 7+6=13 and 1+3=4 the number of the bus he wants.
—| x |—
06:54 / 15.09.03
So, the above post by sleaznation was logged at 13:33. And of course the triple three caught my eye! So in effect we’ve a few sets of numbers to work with here.

We’ve got the number one—the first and last (because one starts a structure from nothing, but then as the units pile up the entire set of relations amongst units becomes a singularity, a unit, a 1), which is the strongest representation of magic(k) and not useful to mere mortals because it is v. difficult for us to become identifiable with a (or really, “the”) singularity. This one is linked to here 333, or Choronzon. So we see a mutual compliment between the 1 which is the ultimate in order and power and 333, which is v. much the opposite of that: an eater or disrupter of power. Nice juxtaposition.

Now, we’ve also 13—the number of Death or Transformation. Of course, I am currently seeking the force of transformative power. We need some change, damn it, and I ain’t yappin’ about no nickels n’ dimes! Coupled here we’ve 33 or the highest order of the Freemason hierarchy. Needless to say, I can’t really say much more than that about that!

All together we gots ourselves good old 10: the Wheel, and baby, the Wheel and I are tight. Ever since I died my hair blue for the week of the Wheel (during a 22 week experiment), I have felt a strong tie to this arcanum. And of course, the wheel rotates around to 1 again: too much power for any one human.

Let the chips fall where they may, friends.
—| x |—
07:56 / 15.09.03
03:33 15.09

Choronzon, the Devil, the Hermit.

“I have become death: the destroyer of worlds.”

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