So, looking for something ot do until the Revolution! This is the place to list the ideas. I have a few to start off with.
#1) Tax Returns: Did you know people like George Bush and his fellow Repugnantkins have a whole lot to do, taking over the world and all. They might run out of time to file their tax returns, you should help them out. Worried that you dont know the Social Security Numbers, just make it up. Addresses a problem, use their work address, 1600 Pensylvania Avenue. I'll bet they have some money coming back, at least $1,000 or so.
#2) I think that the buerocrats dont have enough to do, too many sit fiddling all day without enough papers to push. This needs to be rectified, file for a green card or a student loan. Apply for WIC benefits and Food Stamps. In this way those poor bored buerocrats will have something to do with their time.
#3) Ever notice all those signs cluttering up the world, most need just a bit of editing. Ever see a sign for "Covered Parking" lets change that "v" to an "l" and watch the fireworks. "No Parking" should be "Gay Parking" or "Jesus Parking" depending on the general attitude of the region and what will cause the most offence.
So, thats a quick three ideas to keep the anarchist in your soul occupied. Any others to keep us occupied in some good clean fun?
Lets be careful out there.
Outlaw |