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Bush and Blair Nominated For Nobel Peace Prize

Foust is SO authentic
01:53 / 14.05.03
From The Guardian


The prime minister and US president have been jointly nominated for the accolade by a rightwing Norwegian politician who believes their military campaign against terrorism meets Alfred Nobel's criteria that the winner "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

Harald Tom Nesvik, who represents the Party of Progress in the Norwegian parliament, said yesterday: "The background for my nomination is their decisive action against terrorism, something I believe in the future will be the greatest threat to peace. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to use force to secure peace."

Mr Nesvik has nomination rights as a member of a national legislature.
Baz Auckland
02:18 / 14.05.03
It could be worse. Kissinger could win it.... oh wait. I actually want Bono to win now!
Baz Auckland
02:39 / 14.05.03
Of course, the Onion puts it best

"Man, this must've been a pretty shitty year for peacemakers."

"What, were the Powerpuff Girls too fictional or something?"

"It's about time. I'm sick of them always giving the Peace Prize to all those fucking pacifists."

Not Here Still
13:02 / 14.05.03
Could I point out that this story is about 15 months old by now?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
13:17 / 14.05.03
Actually it *isn't*, I think the same guy tried to nominate them last year for their sterling work in Afghanistan. With a bit more work they could become the Jimmy White of the Nobel Prize, always nominated, never winning.
Not Here Still
13:44 / 14.05.03
Apologies to all - but I'd update the story used as an example in the first post, as that's 15 months old. Should have run it through Google News before sniping about it...

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13:20 / 05.06.03
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