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Matrix press do

Old brown-eye is back
13:22 / 13.05.03
Just had an invite to the Matrix: Reloaded press conference on Monday and I'm on the scrounge for questions. Can anyone hook a lazy brother up?
Foust is SO authentic
13:36 / 13.05.03
Are the dreadlocked twin agents related to Nightcrawler in anyway?

Who flies faster, Neo or Superman?

Why would anyone use a sword (or any other melee weapon) in the Matrix?

Will Reloaded gain a sense of internal logic that the first movie lacked?
15:02 / 13.05.03
Why couldn't Neo turn transparent like the twins and run from 100 agent smiths?

Why doesn't he trun his arms into knives and cut his way out?

Why didn't the machines bore down to Zion sooner?

Why don't the machines clean up the atmosphere and flush all the humans, or, get rid of it all together and be rid of the whole mess, matrix and Zion?
15:08 / 13.05.03
Why couldn't Monica Belluci be in more than 5 minutes of the movie?

Why couldn't she have been naked?

Why can't Monica Belluci come to my apartment Friday night?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
15:10 / 13.05.03
The buzz on the movie is that early reviews call it slow and dissapointing, how do you answer those critics?

Isn't it a big risk to make two sequels at once without knowing how well a sequel will do?

Is Grant Morrison goign to get any royalties?

How about Joseph Campbell, will he get any royalties?

Why does every action movie aimed at the youth market have a Rob Zombie song in it?
15:12 / 13.05.03
Hunterwolf, I second your questions.

Reloaded doesn't seem to be getting very good geek reaction.
Regrettable Juvenilia
19:54 / 13.05.03
If you see Bryan Singer in the street, do you duck inside a bookstore and pretend to be browsing in case he beats you up for you lunch money? You little punks.
21:13 / 13.05.03
Are the matrix comic strips ever going to see print?
Jack Fear
21:16 / 13.05.03
You make ordnance porn for fatbeards. How do you sleep?
Tryphena Absent
23:20 / 13.05.03
Wouldn't the films have made a better musical comedy? Who wouldn't prefer to see Neo tapdance rather than fly?
Solitaire Rose as Tom Servo
01:59 / 14.05.03
The early reviews are coming in, and it looks like the "ain't in cool" type sites were wrong. Reviewers are falling all over themselves...but I'll see tomorrow if it's as fun as the first one.

And fun is all that matters with a summer movie.
07:11 / 14.05.03
Aren't you scared that X-men 2 has tired out all the nerds?
When are you going to reveal that Jesus was an agent?
Is Toadie going to be in the next one?
Does it piss you off when people say you make ordnance porn or gun porn for fatbeards/computer programmers because they just don't get it?
Old brown-eye is back
09:21 / 14.05.03
Do nerds get tired?
09:34 / 14.05.03
Of course we do! Complaining uses allot of energy, it's hard work being this cynical.
10:45 / 14.05.03
Todays Onions Infographic is about the movie -

Old brown-eye is back
10:56 / 14.05.03
Guards made of jizz? Cool.
19:03 / 14.05.03
So Frankie Five, how was the press conference? Were you really invited or was that just a joke to get us all going?
19:25 / 14.05.03
Q: Having your protagonists run around in trenchcoats shooting people with guns is a bit extreme and frankly disgusting. Have you considered putting them in cool leather biker gear or spandex outfits? And using super powers or funky mutations? Then you can kill millions of people and make it not-as-real so we don't feel guilty about it.

Q: Some of the ideas in The Matrix may have been referenced or influenced by other ideas and concepts that preceded it. This has never been done before. So do you not think it only right that you all immediately disembowel yourselves on the roof of Warner Brothers studios?

Q: The computer OS that Neo was using in the first film is so wrong for the 230 reasons I'm about to list...... contd. on separate thread
Sensual Cobra
05:00 / 15.05.03
Do all y'all ever get tired of yourselves?

I'm with arcboi and bear.
Old brown-eye is back
07:43 / 15.05.03
It was not a joke - although I was hoping for more Invisibles rip-off angst. I'll be able to tell you what it was like on Tuesday.
12:21 / 15.05.03
heh. i just saw it last night, and if you're looking for "Invisibles rip-off angst," this may be fertile ground you're working. the Big Secret is straight-up Invisibles. i thought it was really neat, but it will definitely fuel the fires of the Grant-got-screwed debate.
The Return Of Rothkoid
16:32 / 15.05.03
Actually, I think it'll fuel the fires of the "the audience got screwed" debate. What a pile.
18:43 / 15.05.03
>> Q: Some of the ideas in The Matrix may have been referenced or influenced by other ideas and concepts that preceded it. This has never been done before. So do you not think it only right that you all immediately disembowel yourselves on the roof of Warner Brothers studios?

This one made me laugh a LOT. I agree with this idea -- come on, everything is derivative of everything else, especially heroic adventure/sci-fi. Sure, they probably took a few ideas from the Invisibles and other cyberpunk stuff...what's wrong with that? Everyone takes ideas from everyone else, that's how the creative biz works. I don't think the Matrix was borrowing enough ideas to make it plagarism; I think it took from source materials the same way Lucas did in the original Star Wars trilogy.

Plus, as Grant Morrison once said with a smirk, 'Hey, at least they stole good ideas from a good source.' (I'm not quoting Grant directly but it was words to this effect.)
Mr Tricks
20:04 / 15.05.03
Just saw it... had a blast!!!

Morpheus has all the best lines...

Neo looks like he knows kungfu...

Trinity is still a BABE especially Naked!!!


Somebody Dies!!!
Jack Fear
21:14 / 15.05.03
HunterWolf: you're clearly ahead of the pack in the
'living in a post-ironic world' sweepstakes.
John Brown
15:07 / 16.05.03
According to NPR (National Public Radio in the US) this morning, philosophers and theologians are “excited” about the rich philosophical and religious content of the movies. Or some such. Actual professors at actual universities. And NPR did the story with a straight face and not a hint of irony.

I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. I was fairly certain that it was a new low for NPR, however.

I saw some of Fishburne, Reeves, Silver, and Moss on Charlie Rose (a relatively intelligent interview show on PBS) the other night. They were really pushing the religious and philosophical content of the movies, as well.

So, I'd actually like someone to ask why they’re so obviously trying to sell this series on its supposed intellectual merit. That’s typically anathema to Americans, particularly in their popular entertainments. Do the studios really believe that they’re going to get extra asses in the seats by hyping the movie’s “depth?”

(NB: I don't mean to imply that I don't enjoy the movies. I think they’re fun, I appreciate what the Wachowskis have achieved technically, and Fishburne’s performances provided them with enough of an anchor to take them at all seriously. But I can’t take them as seriously as the studios no seem to want them to be taken.)
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