With regard to the local takeover plan: It is a nice idea, but it's already been done
Well, duh. And they managed it because the party needed changing, in one way or another. It was as corrupt as the Tories, loaded down with entrenched positions derived from a version of Socialism predicated on bad economics and teleological nonsense, and choking on out-dated rhetoric. Whereas now, the situation is completely different. New Labour has achieved a level of open 'cooperation' with business which passes belief, is packed with entrentched positions derived from a version of centrist politics derived from bad economics and market-determinist nonsense, and is spewing meaningless catchphrases.
But I would contend that you would be fighting a losing battle in attempting to go up against New Labour and the Blairite tendency. Blair (and his cronies) redesigned the Labour party so it became much friendlier to big business - and it is the backing of corporate power which you will find hard to push against, I'm afraid.
And battles against overwhelming odds are, de facto, not worth starting. Silly me. But in any case, there are countervaling forces - non-corporate power, good economics... and people getting increasingly fed up, even in the corporate world, with unrealistic pay-packages for CEOs who screw up. It's not a monolith, any more than the Soviet Union was or the USA is.
Oh, and who will watch YOUR watchmen?
Another good reason to do nothing. Right on, man.
Okay, what should we do? |