Wasn't that the idea of the Monarchy? Well, at least the original story where King loses the plot at Hawksmoor about what they're doing?
That the Authority had become this facistic organisation, and who were they to decide what was right. It reminded me a lot of the end of Alan Moore's run on Miracleman, when the superpeople start dissolving world governments, release all the prisoners, and so on. But only after they brutally murder everyone in London.
And at the end, makes questionable all super-heorics. I'm not sure that it does. In the case of someone like Batman or Daredevil, they just deal with the violence they find. They don't attempt to change the society that creates it. I think it gets into very interesting and morally shaky ground when you look at the Avengers, the JLA, the Invisibles, or similar.
"Who decides what makes a better world?" At present I'm assuming might is actually right. Taking ethics as being a consensual creation.
Drawing the comparison again with the Authority, maybe they were right to do something, even if it might end up being the wrong thing. |