I hear ya, entity... I mentioned supplements only because we were talking about your place in the Veggie-Stew World Order.
I've been giving some thought to "natural", mostly because it's popular for meat-eaters to point at their canine teeth as all the justification anyone needs for an animal diet: it's "natural". Also, I've heard the claim that learning to effectively hunt for meat gave ancestors to Homo sapiens sufficient caloric intake to build our brains. (Similarly, the invention of cooking made more types of food digestible, again leading to more caloric intake and giant fuckoff brains.)
Now, if this is true, I see meat-eating and cooking as vital steps along the path of civilization. But, we've evolved a culture which has sufficient nutritional knowledge and agricultural technology to need those things no longer. Dropping meat-eating (or, hell, drastically reducing it...I'm not much of a diet fascist) leads to faaaar more efficient land and water use; if one of my pet hypotheses is accurate, it eliminates a potential source of dreadful diseases ('cause I think factory farms are very nearly bioweapons labs by now); and, in addition, you get the moral bonus of not torturing nonhumans. And lately I've been hearing intriguing things about raw foods being a healthier option; presumably, given the choice between insufficient caloric intake and cooked food, cooked food is better, but us lucky unstarving 1st-Worlders have so much food available we're not saddled with that choice.
I guess I haven't really responded to your point, entitything. I see a meat diet as being both natural, and unnecessary, at different (and sometimes the same) points in time. |