And, what’s more, in taking a little more time in it—because, when we get right down to it, God knows there’s enough of that to go around—and in paying (because “time is money,” after all) a little more attention:
Along the lines of Jub’s (cheers!), and perhaps Frater Fae’s (word!):
Could God make a universe so complex and so subtle that not even He could understand it?
Could God create a theory about that universe that was so difficult that not even He could “do the math”?
Dead Flower (salubrious salutations!), did you read my mind? Last night I was thinking of something along the lines of:
Could God create a drink so potent that not even He could remain sober after drinking it?
Pangalactic Gargleblaster anyone?
Thanks to sparkly spangle and His excellence Elijah D, this one’s for y’all:
Could God create a thread so revolting that even He would delete it?
Shouts out at supersonic speed to Tom & Cal (the ‘Preview Reply’ button is genius), and to mods and admin everywhere!
With transmissions of terrible toksik-ity to transmute truncheon trauma. To translate:
Could God create a God so powerful that not even He, the first bloke that is, is God, the other fella’?
Psycho-mad props, proper parts, and propellers to Q, Hermes Nuclear, 6opo6, and the rest of the “Magick Ghetto Gang.” Especial UPs to Her mighty mistress MC and the ever lustrous LA!
And always, “raise the Jolly Roger, yarr!” to fellow Canuck Keggers…we gots snow aboot over here, how’s it on the East Side in TO, eh?
Huggles, smoochles, and whatever else to ginerbop, olulabelle, Ignatius J—thanks for coming out!—and to all the rest of you folks here on Litherland Isle.

Or, like one alleged “evil Cartman” once said,
“I love you guys.”
And this one’s for all you ravers, ragers, rovers, and rivers out there:
Could God make a dose of E so crappy that not even He got off on it?
Within windows
flakes fall from
sky. |