Well, sure, OK - last year we had (in order of appearance) ants, slugs, snails and finally a fieldmouse living behind the fridge. Plus squirrels and a fox in the garden.
Just now I was quietly catching up on Barbelith and I heard a small scritty sound in the corner of the room. Looked round, saw something moving and thought, oh, mouse. But no, it was...
a HEDGEHOG!!!!!!!
Well, what do you do? It's too big and spiny to swat or pick up (OMG it was enormous), you can't scream at it because it would go feral and end up panicked and anywhere in the house...so I sat and watched it. It didn't look at me (notoriously crap eyesight). I thought fetch the clay, BBQ time...it eyed up my son's remote controlled Robot Wars Matilda model and fell in love. Hmm. Luckily it walked back round the room and left by the patio door it came in. Which is now shut...! |