This thread was prompted by the various debates going on at the moment over Leaptopia, but I don't want it to turn into another one of them. I thought it might be interesting, and perhaps instructive, to see where people would actually ideally like to live - urban or rural, small community, larger community, atomised modern living where your community can be geographically widespread or sometimes even partially virtual... (ahem), and physical environment.
I like to be in the country, but I don't actually want to live there - certainly not at the moment. I like urban environments - I like living in a place where I feel as if I can encounter lots of different people (even if in practice I tend to associate with the same people because, well, they're my friends) and where there are lots of cultural and social acitvities in which to participate. I do find the idea of rural living in theory, but I know that in practice I'd get frustrated at not having access to all the things I like most - large bookshops, galleries, museums, libraries. And I don't drive, so I'd never be able to get out.
You know, I like the bustle and excitement. It does get a bit much sometimes, and that I think is why I prefer smaller cities to metropolitan living in general, though even Oxford gets a bit frustrating at times. but the best thing about a small city, for me, is that one doesn't live in the bosom of one's community (and I frankly can't think of anything that I should like less than to have everyone watching out for me and knowing what I was doing the whole time - yeeeuuurghhh) but that one can still have a close network of friends, and one can make a choice to see them or not to on any particular day. I like the fact that I can choose to associate with people I really like. Smaller cities make it a bit easier, as you don't have to travel for an hour to get home, but the principle is the same.
So I think I'm a city person for the time being...
What about you? |