People also regularly kill themselves drinking, smoking, skiing or crossing the road, but we don't try to stop them partaking of those activities.
Not yet. 
People do a lot of stupid things. The government decided to pick out the things the public cares least about and demonize them, hence making the public care the most about them. It makes perfect sense when you look at it from the terms of a propagandist. It's all a matter of balance - people get alcohol, but they don't get marjiuana.
It doesn't make sense, certainly, from a health point of view, but the claim it was ever about health or safety is exaggerated.
Unfortunately, this is beginning to backfire. With new watchdog groups watching everything and prosecuting everyone, we're moving furthur from a state where drugs are legal to a state where everyone wears a government regulated radiation suit to work on the computer.
It's for your own good.
YES it is a serious violation of my basic human rights
The right to get high isn't on the United Nations list, from what I can tell. Besides, there are plenty of legal substances to abuse - glue, petrol, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol.
The government is responsible for all illegal drug deaths.
That's funny. I thought the government told us not to take the drugs because they were potientally dangerous. Normally I would blame the makers of the product for producing something which killed the user, or the user for taking the potientally dangerous, unlabelled, illegal product and injecting/swallowing/snorting it.
But hey, I'm probably wrong. |