Kerry isn't a retired general - he just served in Vietnam. Wesley Clark, who is apparently going to declare his presidential ambitions this weekend, is, however a retired general. That would make 10 candidates vieing for the democratic nomination.
The site to watch, if you're really into this "Invisible Primary"* thing, is ABC's the Note. The Note is most notable for breaking the Trent Lott story. The three writers of The Note (and presumably, their interns) scour the morning papers of various 'hot spots' (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina - the key primary and caucus states) in order to determine the Conventional Wisdom surrounding the candidates. They also apparently boast good sources inside both the primary Democratic contenders and the CREEP effort.
It's interesting that you say Graham is running for vice-president, grant, because I can never figure out how that process works. Is the vice president ever someone who had a strong showing in the primaries, or is there too much ill-will for that? Because although there's no clear democratic choice for me, so far (counting, of course, that all important can-they-win? vote), some pairs of the front runners would be enticing.
I'd run down the list of the ten candidates, with my comments, but it's still to early to decide. Right now, I'm hoping that anyone but Sharpton, Kuinich, Mosely Braun or Lieberman gets the nod. Gephardt, I dislike as well, but I have to give him props for having the balls to come up with a national health care plan.
Has it been mentioned that the CREEP effort has leaked the fact that the Republican convention has been pushed back to Sept 2 for a trio of reasons -
(1) to coincide with the 3rd anniversary of Sept 11th
(2) to push the post-election 'bounce' as close to election day as possible
(3) to shorten Bush's campaign (he will only campaign from then until election day, as plans go) and maximize his huge cash advantage**.
It's all horse race stuff so far, with nothing of substance (save perhaps the gephardt plan) discussed yet. I'm wondering if Bush will agree to ANY debates this time around.
...and there's always the spectre of mr. nader.
* The Invisible Primary = Note-speak for the fundraising race between the top democrats. 1q03 results put Edwards ahead for dollar amounts, but behind Dean and Kerry for the number of individual contributors. The Note, in addition to standard pol-speak, has its own vocabulary and style.
**Which might not be so huge if Kerry gets the nomination, as he may have access to his wife's fortune. |