Not much to add with all the other great advice given here. This is really very important, though.
Find the proportions, and you find the essence of a face.
The ability to draw the same thing many times with consistancy is in the proportions. Sight measurement is in taking a space you've already defined and basing the rest of your proportions from that measurement. Typically, I'll draw the shape of the head, find the halfway point down and across and draw crosshairs. Face measurement is usually five eyes across, with one eye width on either side and one between the eyes. Everything on the body can be measured once you figure out the size of just one thing, be it the eyes, noses, ears, etc. I size the body in heads. Obviously, top of head to chin = one head. Chin to nipples = one head, etc. Mileage varies with different characters, but try to design your character so that this is made simple for you. For instance, you can make someone with a huge head, and make him three heads tall with the second head down being his waistline. If someone has wide set eyes, they can have a gap of two eyes instead of one. So long as you keep that consistancy.
If this is really giving you trouble, you may want to draw a model sheet of some sort, the kind that they use in animation. A model sheet is usually a line-up of the character in five different positions. Front, 3/4 Front, Profile, 3/4 Back and Back, giving a view of the character from all sides.
This is a good site for artists' reference, including full nude turnarounds, close-ups of hands and feet, and sample model sheets. I know lots more sites with model sheets if you wanted to see more. Abd check out the online awesome, free, out-of-print Loomis books. I printed them all out and put them in a binder. They're wonderful.
If you're really interested in drawing, you may want to check for life drawing classes in your area. Sometimes there are good ones for cheap. I suspect I will be taking life drawing classes for the rest of my life.
Would anyone be interested if we started an artist's tips thread? I know I'd love to hear hints from the people on Barbelith. Been thinking of starting one for awhile. |