You ever have that thing where you've heard of a band but somehow never managed to hear their music, even though you kinda knew already that you'd really, really dig them?
I just discovered Royal Trux.
Royal Trux, motherfucker.

It all started with Flux telling me if I liked The Kills, I needed to hear the Trux - this was important. So he sent me a CD with 'Sunshine & Grease' on, and it's automatically up there, y'know, just up there with my favourite songs that encapsulate a feeling, in this case the feeling of sitting in the sun feeling pleasantly hungover, unwashed, wistful, oversexed and probably about to get wasted again. It's just pretty much perfect.
Now I've heard a bunch of their other stuff, and it's a real mixed bag, innit? Much of it brilliant. I'm trying to decided which album I need to buy. I'm leaning towards one of the following: Thank You (on the basis of hearing 'Ray O Vac', 'Map Of The City' and 'You're Gonna Lose'), Pound For Pound (on the basis of 'Blind Navigator' but even more so, 'Sunshine & Grease' and 'Small Thief', however I have read somewhere that the rest of this album is nothing like these two songs - true?). Or Accelerator (but probably not - is it all as gloriously silly as 'Juicy Juicy Juice' and 'The Banana Question'? I dig that, but I might make this my second choice...).
So any advice/recommendations = welcome (hint: I like the duelling-vocal, bluesy, scuzzy, sexy beast stuff the best, closely followed by the Exile On Main Street-style collapsed-country-rock-beast slower stuff). Or other people can just talk about why they love Royal Trux (motherfucker), or why they don't... |