Well, I wouldn't make any great claims for Bedtime Stories, and it's best to forget that Evita ever happened, but I tend to see those as part of an admittedly substantial wilderness period. This was started by the backfiring of the UberSex Madonna incarnation circa Erotica (and aiiieeee, that book which shall not be spoken of, Vanilla Ice, dear God), and also including such embarrassments as the look-I'm-a-serious-artist-I-do-ballads!-you-know-like-Celene-Dion album Something To Remember - that title a terrible aesthetic lie bordering on betrayal, because its message is that slushly power-ballads are somehow more, mmmmmm, meaningful and will last longer than upbeat pop hits or pervy funk.
But the thing is, I see Ray Of Light as something of a staggering return to form. Sure, some of the lyrical concerns are typical of how annoying Mature Superstar Madonna can be (loneliness could be the price of fame, we are living in a material world but I am a spiritual girl, Do You See?), but tune-wise, it's a knock-out. I completely bought the "slightly too old for clubbing but still going mental to some trance" euphoria on the title track, I love the "mmmm, 'Sly' by Massive Attack" homage of 'Frozen'. 'Swim', 'Nothing Really Matters', 'Sky Fits Heaven' - the strength of these songs means that the otherwise implausible New Age crystal, Earth Mother shctick can be overlooked. And 'Skin' and 'Candy Perfume Girl' are classic, sexy Madge tunes. In fact the whole thing is arguably her only really consistent *album* - she's always been a singles artist previously (nowt wrong with that though, especially when you've got a back catalogue of singles that looks like hers).
Then it all started going horribly wrong again, with cowboy hats and Ali G and aspirations to be British aristocracy, and a bloke who said "If it was up to the missus, she'd dress me like a poof". And this time, it only seems to be getting worse - bad cover versions, the worst Bond theme in over a decade, yet more disastrous attempts to buld an acting career (will she *never* learn?), and now this... |