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Fanfic reaches new heights/depths

No star here laces
08:32 / 24.04.03
I feel soiled...
09:11 / 24.04.03
I guess that books, films, TV programmes etc. affect different people in different ways. I just hope that I'm never moved to write fanfic, most especially because I'm a truly terrible writer. I wouldn't exactly be alone there.
10:21 / 24.04.03
Anne Frank fanfic. Okay, so the idea of fanfic can be kind of funny... but (and, I admit, I've only read the menu and couldn't bear to click on anly of the links) I'd rather not be remembered.
Kit-Cat Club
10:31 / 24.04.03
I had a quick flick through a few of them. They're mostly school projects, I think - this is what happens when history is taught through empathy exercises. They seem to be written out of sympathy for the plight of the Franks - I don't think there's anything too tasteless there. Certainly nothing any more tasteless than the school project in which pupils are asked to 'finish Anne Frank's Diary'. Quis custodiet custodes?
13:35 / 24.04.03
Some of those don't seem too bad. I only clicked on one or two though, so for all I know I just got lucky. The Diary of Margot Frank was pretty good.
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