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Bollocksing bloody interview bollocks.

10:51 / 23.04.03
Yeah, yeah, another whining thread about me me me. In about twenty minutes I'm off for an interview at my old college, for an MA course in Cultural Studies. I'm convinced they won't have me, but what's really getting up my frigging nose is the fact that my interview clothes are absolutely atrocious. I know I'm a fat girl now and all, but jesus christ - they're too big, the pants are like a black circus tent and the top makes me look fatter, or possibly pregnant. And the v-neck makes my shoulders look rounded. Trinny and Susannah would be slapping me right now. So that's just fucked my confidence and self-esteem completely. So not only will I not get a place, but I'll look a fucking fright while doing so. Jesus.

Not sure what this thread should be used for - whinges about clothing? Whinges about interviews? Just whinges of a petty nature, hence not fitting in Elijah's rants thread, which is of a more serious nature. Go for it.
waxy dan
10:57 / 23.04.03
Okay, I've only been on here for a few weeks. But reading over old threads and getting a feel for the various members...

... Bollocks to that.

you're well able for a MA in Cultural Studies.
10:58 / 23.04.03
How's about we just wish you all the best? Knock 'em dead. You'll ace it. (And if you don't, tell me where the interviewer lives and I'll go round and shove shit through their letterbox.)

I've fortunately managed to largely avoid interviews in my brief employment history, or at least just have silly ones where myself and prospective boss just got on anyway.

And any course that's not gonna take you based on appearance is obviously not at an institution where learning is valued above all else, therefore not worth doing.

Go get 'em!
Kit-Cat Club
11:07 / 23.04.03
They're academics - they're not going to be bothered about your appearance and it's a shame that it's making you more nervous! You have to stun them with the beauty of your brain, and you're more than capable of doing that, I think. Good luck!
11:09 / 23.04.03
Hey, it's academia; they expect you to look... unconventional. Stun 'em with your sexy neocortex.
11:37 / 23.04.03
Stun 'em with your sexy neocortex.

Ganesh, you are Ziggy Stardust and I claim my five pounds.
12:38 / 23.04.03
Turns out it was a formality...'cause I'm a wacko, as Andie so rightly said in Dawson's Creek yesterday. So they just wanted to know I knew what I was getting into, and that I could deal. He says I have nowt to worry I guess I will probably get a place, which is good.

Thanks, everyone, very sweet. Bit of an over-reaction on my part, I think. I don't go out much, so the clothes thing was a tad blown out of proportion.
The Return Of Rothkoid
13:37 / 23.04.03
I told you...
Mourne Kransky
15:02 / 23.04.03
Cholister picks up her Gucci handbag, slips her pearl handled pistol back into it, and leaves the interview, muttering "Piece of piss"

Interview panel gasps involuntarily. There is stunned silence for a moment, then they all talk at once.

"Check out the neocortex on that!"
"Did you ever see such a beautiful brain? Given me a stiffie..."
"No, I was too stunned by her unconventional pants and the gorgeous v-necked top. Knocks Trinny and Susannah into a cocked hat."
"I'm just going to have a wee lie down to recover my professional composure."
"I want to be her personal tutor."
"No, me, me, please..."
15:14 / 23.04.03
20:19 / 23.04.03
Why DO V-necks make one's shoulders look rounded?? I've always pondered on that one. Wearing a waistcoaty sort of thing over a top sometimes helps! Maybe...

Anyway, well done for getting there and knocking 'em out Chol
21:09 / 23.04.03
WELL DONE CHOL! You go kick two lots of academic butt. xx
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