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Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
04:00 / 23.04.03
Ok, had a friend show me this film recently and have been meaning to post about it. I'm trying to avoid spoilers, and i dont know if this has been discussed here, but here it is.

So, in the future it is decided that all war and violence is caused by emotion, so the governments got together and made a drug to supress emotions and have a group of tetragrammaton clerics who destroy anything that could cause an emotional reaction. What makes this different than, say 1984, is the fact that the clerics are trained in "gunkata", the martial art of firearms. So, you get christian Bale from American Psycho commiting violent acts that rival the Matrix in style and execution.

Overall, the plot got a bit convoluted (where IS the conflict if no one has emotion?) but i was inspired to become a gunweilding mad man more by this films action scenes than the matrix, so, is that good or bad?
04:22 / 23.04.03
Wouldja look at that. Not one thread, but two!

Go west, young man.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
18:37 / 23.04.03

where is the search function anyway?
Jack Fear
18:43 / 23.04.03
Bottom of each forum's main page.
Elijah, Freelance Rabbi
21:42 / 24.04.03
you know, i never scrolled down that far...
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