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Better than doin nothing

Ninjas make great pets
16:51 / 22.04.03
that vid game thread got me thinking about the greatest thefts of my time.

highest on the list, and I KNOW this must have dragged in some of you too is the evil that was Sabrina sunday. and the chant, oh dear grief the chant, "sab-rina, sab-rina, sab-rina sunday"

its enough to Warg!
18:00 / 22.04.03
Don't you remember Sabrina September?

Kept repeating, repeating, till I thought
My mind was going numb.

I wish I didn't remember Sabrina September.
I wish I didn't remember Sabrina September.

(notice the blatant plundering of Emily Dickinson for a bad poem about Sabrina September)
20:00 / 22.04.03
what the freedom are you two going on about?
Mourne Kransky
22:04 / 22.04.03
The only bit I understood was the "Warg". Klingons eat them. No, wait, that's "Targ".

Nothing to do with the old Humphrey Bogart /Audrey Hepburn film, I expect? Perhaps Sabrina The Teenage Witch?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
04:12 / 23.04.03
Wargs are like evil uberwolves from 'Lord of the Rings'. Apparently when they come 'west of the mountains' wacky nastiness generally ensues and Gandalf actually has to do some poxy magic for once in his life to get rid of them.

I don't think Klingons actually eat Targs do they? Aren't they like household pets, along the lines of a faithful retainer that may one day try to bite your arm off for no good reason, like living with a Conservative MP?
07:56 / 23.04.03
Ummm yes Sabrina the Teenage Witch, my greatest foil (no really) it is repeated non-stop on a channel called Nickelodean.

Other thefts of my time, listening to my boss, he should really just write out a one speech coverall, and let me read it in my spare time (or not), as they're always pretty similar. I keep getting deja-vu.
waxy dan
08:04 / 23.04.03
Warg? Gaming reference. The Space Orks in Warhammer 40k went on a warg every few thousand years. Basically involved their gods inspriring their engineers to build giant robots and go on a mad one accross the galaxy. At least that's what I think it is.

Sabrina Sunday I remember all too well. They very smartly kept their ads so short that you couldn't quite get off the couch in time to escape before that theme-tune kicked in again. I think 12 hours was my worst.

The original release of Doom, way back when, also had me and my brother indoors in a darkened room for 3 months or so.
It got to the stage where we developed 'Doom Vison' TM. We strafed into rooms to make sure nothing was behind the door, and found ourselves automatically checking out public areas for fire extinguishers to blow up, and medpacks if we were feeling tired... that can't have been healthy.
Mourne Kransky
08:40 / 23.04.03
Ah, the pool of knowledge available on the Barbelith! We could put eBritannica out of business if we weren't all such lazy bastards. Thanks _MatterArising and waxy dan.

And, Lord 'Lupe Flowers, targs are indeed cuddly domestic pets, like rottweilers on speed, in Klingon households. They, being the jolly, touchy-feely types they are, also eat them. Particularly on space ships where they keep them on board principally as a source of fresh, juicy, rare wolf-type meat on long journeys.

And, yes, I am ashamed that I know this much Trek arcana and felt the need to share it.
02:55 / 24.04.03
Sabrina is so much cooler than Buffy.
waxy dan
08:18 / 24.04.03
Sabrina could take Buffy in a fight, it's true.
07:56 / 25.04.03
Depends on which show they fought. Nobody ever dies on Sabrina. From what I've seen, some characters on Buffy have the life span of a trek red shirt. I'd like to see this episode of Buffy:

Buffy: Okay, it's time to take on a really powerful, really evil monster. Odds are one of us is going to die tonight. Let's see...the away team will be me, spike, willow, Xander, and the new slayer trainee that has had only three lines up till now and is the only one who has been hearing the creepy sounds coming from outside.

New trainee: Why does my shirt have a bullseye on it?

Xander: [sarcastic one liner]

Buffy: All right, we've all got our weapons. Here, trainee, you get the Sword That Is Obviously Too Large For You And Is Also Awkward To Carry. Here, hold it down, you're blocking the cloud of doom hanging over you.

Xander: [more sarcasm]

New trainee: You know what? Fuck you guys.

The biggest waste of my time? Sleeping. And pursuing women that I know are no good for me. Star Wars, too.
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